/* global jsPDF html2canvas */
* Copyright (c) 2018 Erik Koopmans
* Released under the MIT License.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
* http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license
* jsPDF html PlugIn
* @name html
* @module
(function(jsPDFAPI, global) {
"use strict";
if (typeof Promise === "undefined") {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn("Promise not found. html-Plugin will not work");
* Determine the type of a variable/object.
* @private
* @ignore
var objType = function(obj) {
var type = typeof obj;
if (type === "undefined") return "undefined";
else if (type === "string" || obj instanceof String) return "string";
else if (type === "number" || obj instanceof Number) return "number";
else if (type === "function" || obj instanceof Function) return "function";
else if (!!obj && obj.constructor === Array) return "array";
else if (obj && obj.nodeType === 1) return "element";
else if (type === "object") return "object";
else return "unknown";
* Create an HTML element with optional className, innerHTML, and style.
* @private
* @ignore
var createElement = function(tagName, opt) {
var el = document.createElement(tagName);
if (opt.className) el.className = opt.className;
if (opt.innerHTML) {
el.innerHTML = opt.innerHTML;
var scripts = el.getElementsByTagName("script");
for (var i = scripts.length; i-- > 0; ) {
for (var key in opt.style) {
el.style[key] = opt.style[key];
return el;
* Deep-clone a node and preserve contents/properties.
* @private
* @ignore
var cloneNode = function(node, javascriptEnabled) {
// Recursively clone the node.
var clone =
node.nodeType === 3
? document.createTextNode(node.nodeValue)
: node.cloneNode(false);
for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) {
if (
javascriptEnabled === true ||
child.nodeType !== 1 ||
child.nodeName !== "SCRIPT"
) {
clone.appendChild(cloneNode(child, javascriptEnabled));
if (node.nodeType === 1) {
// Preserve contents/properties of special nodes.
if (node.nodeName === "CANVAS") {
clone.width = node.width;
clone.height = node.height;
clone.getContext("2d").drawImage(node, 0, 0);
} else if (node.nodeName === "TEXTAREA" || node.nodeName === "SELECT") {
clone.value = node.value;
// Preserve the node's scroll position when it loads.
function() {
clone.scrollTop = node.scrollTop;
clone.scrollLeft = node.scrollLeft;
// Return the cloned node.
return clone;
/* ----- CONSTRUCTOR ----- */
var Worker = function Worker(opt) {
// Create the root parent for the proto chain, and the starting Worker.
var root = Object.assign(
var self = Worker.convert(Promise.resolve(), root);
// Set progress, optional settings, and return.
self = self.setProgress(1, Worker, 1, [Worker]);
self = self.set(opt);
return self;
// Boilerplate for subclassing Promise.
Worker.prototype = Object.create(Promise.prototype);
Worker.prototype.constructor = Worker;
// Converts/casts promises into Workers.
Worker.convert = function convert(promise, inherit) {
// Uses prototypal inheritance to receive changes made to ancestors' properties.
promise.__proto__ = inherit || Worker.prototype;
return promise;
Worker.template = {
prop: {
src: null,
container: null,
overlay: null,
canvas: null,
img: null,
pdf: null,
pageSize: null,
callback: function() {}
progress: {
val: 0,
state: null,
n: 0,
stack: []
opt: {
filename: "file.pdf",
margin: [0, 0, 0, 0],
enableLinks: true,
x: 0,
y: 0,
html2canvas: {},
jsPDF: {}
/* ----- FROM / TO ----- */
Worker.prototype.from = function from(src, type) {
function getType(src) {
switch (objType(src)) {
case "string":
return "string";
case "element":
return src.nodeName.toLowerCase === "canvas" ? "canvas" : "element";
return "unknown";
return this.then(function from_main() {
type = type || getType(src);
switch (type) {
case "string":
return this.set({ src: createElement("div", { innerHTML: src }) });
case "element":
return this.set({ src: src });
case "canvas":
return this.set({ canvas: src });
case "img":
return this.set({ img: src });
return this.error("Unknown source type.");
Worker.prototype.to = function to(target) {
// Route the 'to' request to the appropriate method.
switch (target) {
case "container":
return this.toContainer();
case "canvas":
return this.toCanvas();
case "img":
return this.toImg();
case "pdf":
return this.toPdf();
return this.error("Invalid target.");
Worker.prototype.toContainer = function toContainer() {
// Set up function prerequisites.
var prereqs = [
function checkSrc() {
return (
this.prop.src || this.error("Cannot duplicate - no source HTML.")
function checkPageSize() {
return this.prop.pageSize || this.setPageSize();
return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function toContainer_main() {
// Define the CSS styles for the container and its overlay parent.
var overlayCSS = {
position: "fixed",
overflow: "hidden",
zIndex: 1000,
left: "-100000px",
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
top: 0
var containerCSS = {
position: "relative",
display: "inline-block",
) + "px",
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
margin: "auto",
backgroundColor: "white"
}; // Set the overlay to hidden (could be changed in the future to provide a print preview).
var source = cloneNode(
if (source.tagName === "BODY") {
containerCSS.height =
) + "px";
this.prop.overlay = createElement("div", {
className: "html2pdf__overlay",
style: overlayCSS
this.prop.container = createElement("div", {
className: "html2pdf__container",
style: containerCSS
createElement("div", {
style: {
clear: "both",
border: "0 none transparent",
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
height: 0
this.prop.container.style.float = "none";
this.prop.container.firstChild.style.position = "relative";
this.prop.container.height =
) + "px";
Worker.prototype.toCanvas = function toCanvas() {
// Set up function prerequisites.
var prereqs = [
function checkContainer() {
return (
document.body.contains(this.prop.container) || this.toContainer()
// Fulfill prereqs then create the canvas.
return this.thenList(prereqs)
.then(function toCanvas_main() {
// Handle old-fashioned 'onrendered' argument.
var options = Object.assign({}, this.opt.html2canvas);
delete options.onrendered;
if (!this.isHtml2CanvasLoaded()) {
return html2canvas(this.prop.container, options);
.then(function toCanvas_post(canvas) {
// Handle old-fashioned 'onrendered' argument.
var onRendered = this.opt.html2canvas.onrendered || function() {};
this.prop.canvas = canvas;
Worker.prototype.toContext2d = function toContext2d() {
// Set up function prerequisites.
var prereqs = [
function checkContainer() {
return (
document.body.contains(this.prop.container) || this.toContainer()
// Fulfill prereqs then create the canvas.
return this.thenList(prereqs)
.then(function toContext2d_main() {
// Handle old-fashioned 'onrendered' argument.
var pdf = this.opt.jsPDF;
var options = Object.assign(
async: true,
allowTaint: true,
backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
imageTimeout: 15000,
logging: true,
proxy: null,
removeContainer: true,
foreignObjectRendering: false,
useCORS: false
delete options.onrendered;
pdf.context2d.autoPaging = true;
pdf.context2d.posX = this.opt.x;
pdf.context2d.posY = this.opt.y;
options.windowHeight = options.windowHeight || 0;
options.windowHeight =
options.windowHeight == 0
? Math.max(
: options.windowHeight;
if (!this.isHtml2CanvasLoaded()) {
return html2canvas(this.prop.container, options);
.then(function toContext2d_post(canvas) {
// Handle old-fashioned 'onrendered' argument.
var onRendered = this.opt.html2canvas.onrendered || function() {};
this.prop.canvas = canvas;
Worker.prototype.toImg = function toImg() {
// Set up function prerequisites.
var prereqs = [
function checkCanvas() {
return this.prop.canvas || this.toCanvas();
// Fulfill prereqs then create the image.
return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function toImg_main() {
var imgData = this.prop.canvas.toDataURL(
"image/" + this.opt.image.type,
this.prop.img = document.createElement("img");
this.prop.img.src = imgData;
Worker.prototype.toPdf = function toPdf() {
// Set up function prerequisites.
var prereqs = [
function checkContext2d() {
return this.toContext2d();
//function checkCanvas() { return this.prop.canvas || this.toCanvas(); }
// Fulfill prereqs then create the image.
return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function toPdf_main() {
// Create local copies of frequently used properties.
this.prop.pdf = this.prop.pdf || this.opt.jsPDF;
/* ----- OUTPUT / SAVE ----- */
Worker.prototype.output = function output(type, options, src) {
// Redirect requests to the correct function (outputPdf / outputImg).
src = src || "pdf";
if (src.toLowerCase() === "img" || src.toLowerCase() === "image") {
return this.outputImg(type, options);
} else {
return this.outputPdf(type, options);
Worker.prototype.outputPdf = function outputPdf(type, options) {
// Set up function prerequisites.
var prereqs = [
function checkPdf() {
return this.prop.pdf || this.toPdf();
// Fulfill prereqs then perform the appropriate output.
return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function outputPdf_main() {
/* Currently implemented output types:
* https://rawgit.com/MrRio/jsPDF/master/docs/jspdf.js.html#line992
* save(options), arraybuffer, blob, bloburi/bloburl,
* datauristring/dataurlstring, dataurlnewwindow, datauri/dataurl
return this.prop.pdf.output(type, options);
Worker.prototype.outputImg = function outputImg(type) {
// Set up function prerequisites.
var prereqs = [
function checkImg() {
return this.prop.img || this.toImg();
// Fulfill prereqs then perform the appropriate output.
return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function outputImg_main() {
switch (type) {
case undefined:
case "img":
return this.prop.img;
case "datauristring":
case "dataurlstring":
return this.prop.img.src;
case "datauri":
case "dataurl":
return (document.location.href = this.prop.img.src);
throw 'Image output type "' + type + '" is not supported.';
Worker.prototype.isHtml2CanvasLoaded = function() {
var result = typeof global.html2canvas !== "undefined";
if (!result) {
throw new Error("html2canvas not loaded.");
return result;
Worker.prototype.save = function save(filename) {
// Set up function prerequisites.
var prereqs = [
function checkPdf() {
return this.prop.pdf || this.toPdf();
if (!this.isHtml2CanvasLoaded()) {
// Fulfill prereqs, update the filename (if provided), and save the PDF.
return this.thenList(prereqs)
.set(filename ? { filename: filename } : null)
.then(function save_main() {
Worker.prototype.doCallback = function doCallback() {
// Set up function prerequisites.
var prereqs = [
function checkPdf() {
return this.prop.pdf || this.toPdf();
if (!this.isHtml2CanvasLoaded()) {
// Fulfill prereqs, update the filename (if provided), and save the PDF.
return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function doCallback_main() {
/* ----- SET / GET ----- */
Worker.prototype.set = function set(opt) {
// TODO: Implement ordered pairs?
// Silently ignore invalid or empty input.
if (objType(opt) !== "object") {
return this;
// Build an array of setter functions to queue.
var fns = Object.keys(opt || {}).map(function(key) {
if (key in Worker.template.prop) {
// Set pre-defined properties.
return function set_prop() {
this.prop[key] = opt[key];
} else {
switch (key) {
case "margin":
return this.setMargin.bind(this, opt.margin);
case "jsPDF":
return function set_jsPDF() {
this.opt.jsPDF = opt.jsPDF;
return this.setPageSize();
case "pageSize":
return this.setPageSize.bind(this, opt.pageSize);
// Set any other properties in opt.
return function set_opt() {
this.opt[key] = opt[key];
}, this);
// Set properties within the promise chain.
return this.then(function set_main() {
return this.thenList(fns);
Worker.prototype.get = function get(key, cbk) {
return this.then(function get_main() {
// Fetch the requested property, either as a predefined prop or in opt.
var val = key in Worker.template.prop ? this.prop[key] : this.opt[key];
return cbk ? cbk(val) : val;
Worker.prototype.setMargin = function setMargin(margin) {
return this.then(function setMargin_main() {
// Parse the margin property.
switch (objType(margin)) {
case "number":
margin = [margin, margin, margin, margin];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
case "array":
if (margin.length === 2) {
margin = [margin[0], margin[1], margin[0], margin[1]];
if (margin.length === 4) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
return this.error("Invalid margin array.");
// Set the margin property, then update pageSize.
this.opt.margin = margin;
Worker.prototype.setPageSize = function setPageSize(pageSize) {
function toPx(val, k) {
return Math.floor(((val * k) / 72) * 96);
return this.then(function setPageSize_main() {
// Retrieve page-size based on jsPDF settings, if not explicitly provided.
pageSize = pageSize || jsPDF.getPageSize(this.opt.jsPDF);
// Add 'inner' field if not present.
if (!pageSize.hasOwnProperty("inner")) {
pageSize.inner = {
width: pageSize.width - this.opt.margin[1] - this.opt.margin[3],
height: pageSize.height - this.opt.margin[0] - this.opt.margin[2]
pageSize.inner.px = {
width: toPx(pageSize.inner.width, pageSize.k),
height: toPx(pageSize.inner.height, pageSize.k)
pageSize.inner.ratio = pageSize.inner.height / pageSize.inner.width;
// Attach pageSize to this.
this.prop.pageSize = pageSize;
Worker.prototype.setProgress = function setProgress(val, state, n, stack) {
// Immediately update all progress values.
if (val != null) this.progress.val = val;
if (state != null) this.progress.state = state;
if (n != null) this.progress.n = n;
if (stack != null) this.progress.stack = stack;
this.progress.ratio = this.progress.val / this.progress.state;
// Return this for command chaining.
return this;
Worker.prototype.updateProgress = function updateProgress(
) {
// Immediately update all progress values, using setProgress.
return this.setProgress(
val ? this.progress.val + val : null,
state ? state : null,
n ? this.progress.n + n : null,
stack ? this.progress.stack.concat(stack) : null
/* ----- PROMISE MAPPING ----- */
Worker.prototype.then = function then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
// Wrap `this` for encapsulation.
var self = this;
return this.thenCore(onFulfilled, onRejected, function then_main(
) {
// Update progress while queuing, calling, and resolving `then`.
self.updateProgress(null, null, 1, [onFulfilled]);
return Promise.prototype.then
.call(this, function then_pre(val) {
self.updateProgress(null, onFulfilled);
return val;
.then(onFulfilled, onRejected)
.then(function then_post(val) {
return val;
Worker.prototype.thenCore = function thenCore(
) {
// Handle optional thenBase parameter.
thenBase = thenBase || Promise.prototype.then;
// Wrap `this` for encapsulation and bind it to the promise handlers.
var self = this;
if (onFulfilled) {
onFulfilled = onFulfilled.bind(self);
if (onRejected) {
onRejected = onRejected.bind(self);
// Cast self into a Promise to avoid polyfills recursively defining `then`.
var isNative =
Promise.toString().indexOf("[native code]") !== -1 &&
Promise.name === "Promise";
var selfPromise = isNative
? self
: Worker.convert(Object.assign({}, self), Promise.prototype);
// Return the promise, after casting it into a Worker and preserving props.
var returnVal = thenBase.call(selfPromise, onFulfilled, onRejected);
return Worker.convert(returnVal, self.__proto__);
Worker.prototype.thenExternal = function thenExternal(
) {
// Call `then` and return a standard promise (exits the Worker chain).
return Promise.prototype.then.call(this, onFulfilled, onRejected);
Worker.prototype.thenList = function thenList(fns) {
// Queue a series of promise 'factories' into the promise chain.
var self = this;
fns.forEach(function thenList_forEach(fn) {
self = self.thenCore(fn);
return self;
Worker.prototype["catch"] = function(onRejected) {
// Bind `this` to the promise handler, call `catch`, and return a Worker.
if (onRejected) {
onRejected = onRejected.bind(this);
var returnVal = Promise.prototype["catch"].call(this, onRejected);
return Worker.convert(returnVal, this);
Worker.prototype.catchExternal = function catchExternal(onRejected) {
// Call `catch` and return a standard promise (exits the Worker chain).
return Promise.prototype["catch"].call(this, onRejected);
Worker.prototype.error = function error(msg) {
// Throw the error in the Promise chain.
return this.then(function error_main() {
throw new Error(msg);
/* ----- ALIASES ----- */
Worker.prototype.using = Worker.prototype.set;
Worker.prototype.saveAs = Worker.prototype.save;
Worker.prototype.export = Worker.prototype.output;
Worker.prototype.run = Worker.prototype.then;
// Get dimensions of a PDF page, as determined by jsPDF.
jsPDF.getPageSize = function(orientation, unit, format) {
// Decode options object
if (typeof orientation === "object") {
var options = orientation;
orientation = options.orientation;
unit = options.unit || unit;
format = options.format || format;
// Default options
unit = unit || "mm";
format = format || "a4";
orientation = ("" + (orientation || "P")).toLowerCase();
var format_as_string = ("" + format).toLowerCase();
// Size in pt of various paper formats
var pageFormats = {
a0: [2383.94, 3370.39],
a1: [1683.78, 2383.94],
a2: [1190.55, 1683.78],
a3: [841.89, 1190.55],
a4: [595.28, 841.89],
a5: [419.53, 595.28],
a6: [297.64, 419.53],
a7: [209.76, 297.64],
a8: [147.4, 209.76],
a9: [104.88, 147.4],
a10: [73.7, 104.88],
b0: [2834.65, 4008.19],
b1: [2004.09, 2834.65],
b2: [1417.32, 2004.09],
b3: [1000.63, 1417.32],
b4: [708.66, 1000.63],
b5: [498.9, 708.66],
b6: [354.33, 498.9],
b7: [249.45, 354.33],
b8: [175.75, 249.45],
b9: [124.72, 175.75],
b10: [87.87, 124.72],
c0: [2599.37, 3676.54],
c1: [1836.85, 2599.37],
c2: [1298.27, 1836.85],
c3: [918.43, 1298.27],
c4: [649.13, 918.43],
c5: [459.21, 649.13],
c6: [323.15, 459.21],
c7: [229.61, 323.15],
c8: [161.57, 229.61],
c9: [113.39, 161.57],
c10: [79.37, 113.39],
dl: [311.81, 623.62],
letter: [612, 792],
"government-letter": [576, 756],
legal: [612, 1008],
"junior-legal": [576, 360],
ledger: [1224, 792],
tabloid: [792, 1224],
"credit-card": [153, 243]
var k;
// Unit conversion
switch (unit) {
case "pt":
k = 1;
case "mm":
k = 72 / 25.4;
case "cm":
k = 72 / 2.54;
case "in":
k = 72;
case "px":
k = 72 / 96;
case "pc":
k = 12;
case "em":
k = 12;
case "ex":
k = 6;
throw "Invalid unit: " + unit;
var pageHeight = 0;
var pageWidth = 0;
// Dimensions are stored as user units and converted to points on output
if (pageFormats.hasOwnProperty(format_as_string)) {
pageHeight = pageFormats[format_as_string][1] / k;
pageWidth = pageFormats[format_as_string][0] / k;
} else {
try {
pageHeight = format[1];
pageWidth = format[0];
} catch (err) {
throw new Error("Invalid format: " + format);
var tmp;
// Handle page orientation
if (orientation === "p" || orientation === "portrait") {
orientation = "p";
if (pageWidth > pageHeight) {
tmp = pageWidth;
pageWidth = pageHeight;
pageHeight = tmp;
} else if (orientation === "l" || orientation === "landscape") {
orientation = "l";
if (pageHeight > pageWidth) {
tmp = pageWidth;
pageWidth = pageHeight;
pageHeight = tmp;
} else {
throw "Invalid orientation: " + orientation;
// Return information (k is the unit conversion ratio from pts)
var info = {
width: pageWidth,
height: pageHeight,
unit: unit,
k: k,
orientation: orientation
return info;
* Generate a PDF from an HTML element or string using.
* @name html
* @function
* @param {HTMLElement|string} source The source HTMLElement or a string containing HTML.
* @param {Object} [options] Collection of settings
* @param {string} [options.callback] The mandatory callback-function gets as first parameter the current jsPDF instance
* @example
* var doc = new jsPDF();
* doc.html(document.body, {
* callback: function (doc) {
* doc.save();
* }
* });
jsPDFAPI.html = function(src, options) {
"use strict";
options = options || {};
options.callback = options.callback || function() {};
options.html2canvas = options.html2canvas || {};
options.html2canvas.canvas = options.html2canvas.canvas || this.canvas;
options.jsPDF = options.jsPDF || this;
// Create a new worker with the given options.
var worker = new Worker(options);
if (!options.worker) {
// If worker is not set to true, perform the traditional 'simple' operation.
return worker.from(src).doCallback();
} else {
// Otherwise, return the worker for new Promise-based operation.
return worker;
(typeof window !== "undefined" && window) ||
(typeof global !== "undefined" && global)