
Adds the ability to set ViewerPreferences and by thus controlling the way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print.



(inner) viewerPreferences(options, doReset)


Set the ViewerPreferences of the generated PDF

var doc = new jsPDF()doc.text('This is a test', 10, 10)doc.viewerPreferences({'FitWindow': true}, true)"viewerPreferences.pdf")// Example printing 10 copies, using cropbox, and hiding UI.doc.viewerPreferences({  'HideWindowUI': true,  'PrintArea': 'CropBox',  'NumCopies': 10})
Name Type Description
options Object

Array with the ViewerPreferences
Example: doc.viewerPreferences({"FitWindow":true});

You can set following preferences:

HideToolbar (boolean)
Default value: false

HideMenubar (boolean)
Default value: false.

HideWindowUI (boolean)
Default value: false.

FitWindow (boolean)
Default value: false.

CenterWindow (boolean)
Default value: false

DisplayDocTitle (boolean)
Default value: false.

NonFullScreenPageMode (string)
Possible values: UseNone, UseOutlines, UseThumbs, UseOC
Default value: UseNone

Direction (string)
Possible values: L2R, R2L
Default value: L2R.

ViewArea (string)
Possible values: MediaBox, CropBox, TrimBox, BleedBox, ArtBox
Default value: CropBox.

ViewClip (string)
Possible values: MediaBox, CropBox, TrimBox, BleedBox, ArtBox
Default value: CropBox

PrintArea (string)
Possible values: MediaBox, CropBox, TrimBox, BleedBox, ArtBox
Default value: CropBox

PrintClip (string)
Possible values: MediaBox, CropBox, TrimBox, BleedBox, ArtBox
Default value: CropBox.

PrintScaling (string)
Possible values: AppDefault, None
Default value: AppDefault.

Duplex (string)
Possible values: Simplex, DuplexFlipLongEdge, DuplexFlipShortEdge Default value: none

PickTrayByPDFSize (boolean)
Default value: false

PrintPageRange (Array)
Example: [[1,5], [7,9]]
Default value: as defined by PDF viewer application

NumCopies (Number)
Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Default value: 1

For more information see the PDF Reference, sixth edition on Page 577

doReset boolean

True to reset the settings


jsPDF jsPDF-instance