/* eslint-disable no-console */
/* global saveAs, define, RGBColor */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
var jsPDF = (function(global) {
"use strict";
* jsPDF's Internal PubSub Implementation.
* Backward compatible rewritten on 2014 by
* Diego Casorran, https://github.com/diegocr
* @class
* @name PubSub
* @ignore
function PubSub(context) {
if (typeof context !== "object") {
throw new Error(
"Invalid Context passed to initialize PubSub (jsPDF-module)"
var topics = {};
this.subscribe = function(topic, callback, once) {
once = once || false;
if (
typeof topic !== "string" ||
typeof callback !== "function" ||
typeof once !== "boolean"
) {
throw new Error(
"Invalid arguments passed to PubSub.subscribe (jsPDF-module)"
if (!topics.hasOwnProperty(topic)) {
topics[topic] = {};
var token = Math.random().toString(35);
topics[topic][token] = [callback, !!once];
return token;
this.unsubscribe = function(token) {
for (var topic in topics) {
if (topics[topic][token]) {
delete topics[topic][token];
if (Object.keys(topics[topic]).length === 0) {
delete topics[topic];
return true;
return false;
this.publish = function(topic) {
if (topics.hasOwnProperty(topic)) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
tokens = [];
for (var token in topics[topic]) {
var sub = topics[topic][token];
try {
sub[0].apply(context, args);
} catch (ex) {
if (global.console) {
console.error("jsPDF PubSub Error", ex.message, ex);
if (sub[1]) tokens.push(token);
if (tokens.length) tokens.forEach(this.unsubscribe);
this.getTopics = function() {
return topics;
* Creates new jsPDF document object instance.
* @name jsPDF
* @class
* @param {Object} [options] - Collection of settings initializing the jsPDF-instance
* @param {string} [options.orientation=portrait] - Orientation of the first page. Possible values are "portrait" or "landscape" (or shortcuts "p" or "l").<br />
* @param {string} [options.unit=mm] Measurement unit (base unit) to be used when coordinates are specified.<br />
* Possible values are "pt" (points), "mm", "cm", "m", "in" or "px".
* @param {string/Array} [options.format=a4] The format of the first page. Can be:<ul><li>a0 - a10</li><li>b0 - b10</li><li>c0 - c10</li><li>dl</li><li>letter</li><li>government-letter</li><li>legal</li><li>junior-legal</li><li>ledger</li><li>tabloid</li><li>credit-card</li></ul><br />
* Default is "a4". If you want to use your own format just pass instead of one of the above predefined formats the size as an number-array, e.g. [595.28, 841.89]
* @param {boolean} [options.putOnlyUsedFonts=false] Only put fonts into the PDF, which were used.
* @param {boolean} [options.compress=false] Compress the generated PDF.
* @param {number} [options.precision=16] Precision of the element-positions.
* @param {number} [options.userUnit=1.0] Not to be confused with the base unit. Please inform yourself before you use it.
* @param {number|"smart"} [options.floatPrecision=16]
* @returns {jsPDF} jsPDF-instance
* @description
* ```
* {
* orientation: 'p',
* unit: 'mm',
* format: 'a4',
* putOnlyUsedFonts:true,
* floatPrecision: 16 // or "smart", default is 16
* }
* ```
* @constructor
function jsPDF(options) {
var orientation = typeof arguments[0] === "string" ? arguments[0] : "p";
var unit = arguments[1];
var format = arguments[2];
var compressPdf = arguments[3];
var filters = [];
var userUnit = 1.0;
var precision;
var floatPrecision = 16;
var defaultPathOperation = "S";
options = options || {};
if (typeof options === "object") {
orientation = options.orientation;
unit = options.unit || unit;
format = options.format || format;
compressPdf = options.compress || options.compressPdf || compressPdf;
userUnit =
typeof options.userUnit === "number" ? Math.abs(options.userUnit) : 1.0;
if (typeof options.precision !== "undefined") {
precision = options.precision;
if (typeof options.floatPrecision !== "undefined") {
floatPrecision = options.floatPrecision;
defaultPathOperation = options.defaultPathOperation || "S";
filters =
options.filters || (compressPdf === true ? ["FlateEncode"] : filters);
unit = unit || "mm";
orientation = ("" + (orientation || "P")).toLowerCase();
var putOnlyUsedFonts = options.putOnlyUsedFonts || false;
var usedFonts = {};
var API = {
internal: {},
__private__: {}
API.__private__.PubSub = PubSub;
var pdfVersion = "1.3";
var getPdfVersion = (API.__private__.getPdfVersion = function() {
return pdfVersion;
API.__private__.setPdfVersion = function(value) {
pdfVersion = value;
// Size in pt of various paper formats
var pageFormats = {
a0: [2383.94, 3370.39],
a1: [1683.78, 2383.94],
a2: [1190.55, 1683.78],
a3: [841.89, 1190.55],
a4: [595.28, 841.89],
a5: [419.53, 595.28],
a6: [297.64, 419.53],
a7: [209.76, 297.64],
a8: [147.4, 209.76],
a9: [104.88, 147.4],
a10: [73.7, 104.88],
b0: [2834.65, 4008.19],
b1: [2004.09, 2834.65],
b2: [1417.32, 2004.09],
b3: [1000.63, 1417.32],
b4: [708.66, 1000.63],
b5: [498.9, 708.66],
b6: [354.33, 498.9],
b7: [249.45, 354.33],
b8: [175.75, 249.45],
b9: [124.72, 175.75],
b10: [87.87, 124.72],
c0: [2599.37, 3676.54],
c1: [1836.85, 2599.37],
c2: [1298.27, 1836.85],
c3: [918.43, 1298.27],
c4: [649.13, 918.43],
c5: [459.21, 649.13],
c6: [323.15, 459.21],
c7: [229.61, 323.15],
c8: [161.57, 229.61],
c9: [113.39, 161.57],
c10: [79.37, 113.39],
dl: [311.81, 623.62],
letter: [612, 792],
"government-letter": [576, 756],
legal: [612, 1008],
"junior-legal": [576, 360],
ledger: [1224, 792],
tabloid: [792, 1224],
"credit-card": [153, 243]
API.__private__.getPageFormats = function() {
return pageFormats;
var getPageFormat = (API.__private__.getPageFormat = function(value) {
return pageFormats[value];
format = format || "a4";
var ApiMode = {
COMPAT: "compat",
ADVANCED: "advanced"
var apiMode = ApiMode.COMPAT;
function advancedAPI() {
// prepend global change of basis matrix
// (Now, instead of converting every coordinate to the pdf coordinate system, we apply a matrix
// that does this job for us (however, texts, images and similar objects must be drawn bottom up))
new Matrix(
getPageHeight() * scaleFactor
).toString() + " cm"
this.setFontSize(this.getFontSize() / scaleFactor);
// The default in MrRio's implementation is "S" (stroke), whereas the default in the yWorks implementation
// was "n" (none). Although this has nothing to do with transforms, we should use the API switch here.
defaultPathOperation = "n";
apiMode = ApiMode.ADVANCED;
function compatAPI() {
defaultPathOperation = "S";
apiMode = ApiMode.COMPAT;
* @callback ApiSwitchBody
* @param {jsPDF} pdf
* For compatibility reasons jsPDF offers two API modes which differ in the way they convert between the the usual
* screen coordinates and the PDF coordinate system.
* - "compat": Offers full compatibility across all plugins but does not allow arbitrary transforms
* - "advanced": Allows arbitrary transforms and more advanced features like pattern fills. Some plugins might
* not support this mode, though.
* Initial mode is "compat".
* You can either provide a callback to the body argument, which means that jsPDF will automatically switch back to
* the original API mode afterwards; or you can omit the callback and switch back manually using {@link compatAPI}.
* Note, that the calls to {@link saveGraphicsState} and {@link restoreGraphicsState} need to be balanced within the
* callback or between calls of this method and its counterpart {@link compatAPI}. Calls to {@link beginFormObject}
* or {@link beginTilingPattern} need to be closed by their counterparts before switching back to "compat" API mode.
* @param {ApiSwitchBody=} body When provided, this callback will be called after the API mode has been switched.
* The API mode will be switched back automatically afterwards.
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name advancedAPI
API.advancedAPI = function(body) {
var doSwitch = apiMode === ApiMode.COMPAT;
if (doSwitch) {
if (typeof body !== "function") {
return this;
if (doSwitch) {
return this;
* Switches to "compat" API mode. See {@link advancedAPI} for more details.
* @param {ApiSwitchBody=} body When provided, this callback will be called after the API mode has been switched.
* The API mode will be switched back automatically afterwards.
* @return {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name compatApi
API.compatAPI = function(body) {
var doSwitch = apiMode === ApiMode.ADVANCED;
if (doSwitch) {
if (typeof body !== "function") {
return this;
if (doSwitch) {
return this;
* @return {boolean} True iff the current API mode is "advanced". See {@link advancedAPI}.
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name isAdvancedAPI
API.isAdvancedAPI = function() {
return apiMode === ApiMode.ADVANCED;
var advancedApiModeTrap = function(methodName) {
if (apiMode !== ApiMode.ADVANCED) {
throw new Error(
methodName +
" is only available in 'advanced' API mode. " +
"You need to call advancedAPI() first."
var roundToPrecision = (API.roundToPrecision = API.__private__.roundToPrecision = function(
) {
var tmpPrecision = precision || parmPrecision;
if (isNaN(number) || isNaN(tmpPrecision)) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.roundToPrecision");
return number.toFixed(tmpPrecision).replace(/0+$/, "");
// high precision float
var hpf;
if (typeof floatPrecision === "number") {
hpf = API.hpf = API.__private__.hpf = function(number) {
if (isNaN(number)) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.hpf");
return roundToPrecision(number, floatPrecision);
} else if (floatPrecision === "smart") {
hpf = API.hpf = API.__private__.hpf = function(number) {
if (isNaN(number)) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.hpf");
if (number > -1 && number < 1) {
return roundToPrecision(number, 16);
} else {
return roundToPrecision(number, 5);
} else {
hpf = API.hpf = API.__private__.hpf = function(number) {
if (isNaN(number)) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.hpf");
return roundToPrecision(number, 16);
var f2 = (API.f2 = API.__private__.f2 = function(number) {
if (isNaN(number)) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.f2");
return roundToPrecision(number, 2);
var f3 = (API.__private__.f3 = function(number) {
if (isNaN(number)) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.f3");
return roundToPrecision(number, 3);
var scale = (API.scale = API.__private__.scale = function(number) {
if (isNaN(number)) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.scale");
if (apiMode === ApiMode.COMPAT) {
return number * scaleFactor;
} else if (apiMode === ApiMode.ADVANCED) {
return number;
var transformY = function(y) {
if (apiMode === ApiMode.COMPAT) {
return getPageHeight() - y;
} else if (apiMode === ApiMode.ADVANCED) {
return y;
var transformScaleY = function(y) {
return scale(transformY(y));
* @name setPrecision
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @function
* @instance
* @param {string} precision
* @returns {jsPDF}
API.__private__.setPrecision = API.setPrecision = function(value) {
if (typeof parseInt(value, 10) === "number") {
precision = parseInt(value, 10);
var fileId = "00000000000000000000000000000000";
var getFileId = (API.__private__.getFileId = function() {
return fileId;
var setFileId = (API.__private__.setFileId = function(value) {
if (typeof value !== "undefined" && /^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$/.test(value)) {
fileId = value.toUpperCase();
} else {
fileId = fileId
.map(function() {
return "ABCDEF0123456789".charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 16));
return fileId;
* @name setFileId
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @function
* @instance
* @param {string} value GUID.
* @returns {jsPDF}
API.setFileId = function(value) {
return this;
* @name getFileId
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {string} GUID.
API.getFileId = function() {
return getFileId();
var creationDate;
var convertDateToPDFDate = (API.__private__.convertDateToPDFDate = function(
) {
var result = "";
var tzoffset = parmDate.getTimezoneOffset(),
tzsign = tzoffset < 0 ? "+" : "-",
tzhour = Math.floor(Math.abs(tzoffset / 60)),
tzmin = Math.abs(tzoffset % 60),
timeZoneString = [tzsign, padd2(tzhour), "'", padd2(tzmin), "'"].join(
result = [
padd2(parmDate.getMonth() + 1),
return result;
var convertPDFDateToDate = (API.__private__.convertPDFDateToDate = function(
) {
var year = parseInt(parmPDFDate.substr(2, 4), 10);
var month = parseInt(parmPDFDate.substr(6, 2), 10) - 1;
var date = parseInt(parmPDFDate.substr(8, 2), 10);
var hour = parseInt(parmPDFDate.substr(10, 2), 10);
var minutes = parseInt(parmPDFDate.substr(12, 2), 10);
var seconds = parseInt(parmPDFDate.substr(14, 2), 10);
// var timeZoneHour = parseInt(parmPDFDate.substr(16, 2), 10);
// var timeZoneMinutes = parseInt(parmPDFDate.substr(20, 2), 10);
var resultingDate = new Date(
return resultingDate;
var setCreationDate = (API.__private__.setCreationDate = function(date) {
var tmpCreationDateString;
var regexPDFCreationDate = /^D:(20[0-2][0-9]|203[0-7]|19[7-9][0-9])(0[0-9]|1[0-2])([0-2][0-9]|3[0-1])(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])(0[0-9]|[1-5][0-9])(0[0-9]|[1-5][0-9])(\+0[0-9]|\+1[0-4]|-0[0-9]|-1[0-1])'(0[0-9]|[1-5][0-9])'?$/;
if (typeof date === "undefined") {
date = new Date();
if (date instanceof Date) {
tmpCreationDateString = convertDateToPDFDate(date);
} else if (regexPDFCreationDate.test(date)) {
tmpCreationDateString = date;
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.setCreationDate");
creationDate = tmpCreationDateString;
return creationDate;
var getCreationDate = (API.__private__.getCreationDate = function(type) {
var result = creationDate;
if (type === "jsDate") {
result = convertPDFDateToDate(creationDate);
return result;
* @name setCreationDate
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @function
* @instance
* @param {Object} date
* @returns {jsPDF}
API.setCreationDate = function(date) {
return this;
* @name getCreationDate
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @function
* @instance
* @param {Object} type
* @returns {Object}
API.getCreationDate = function(type) {
return getCreationDate(type);
var padd2 = (API.__private__.padd2 = function(number) {
return ("0" + parseInt(number)).slice(-2);
var padd2Hex = (API.__private__.padd2Hex = function(hexString) {
hexString = hexString.toString();
return ("00" + hexString).substr(hexString.length);
var objectNumber = 0; // 'n' Current object number
var offsets = []; // List of offsets. Activated and reset by buildDocument(). Pupulated by various calls buildDocument makes.
var content = [];
var contentLength = 0;
var additionalObjects = [];
var pages = [];
var currentPage;
var hasCustomDestination = false;
var outputDestination = content;
var resetDocument = function() {
//reset fields relevant for objectNumber generation and xref.
objectNumber = 0;
contentLength = 0;
content = [];
offsets = [];
additionalObjects = [];
rootDictionaryObjId = newObjectDeferred();
resourceDictionaryObjId = newObjectDeferred();
API.__private__.setCustomOutputDestination = function(destination) {
hasCustomDestination = true;
outputDestination = destination;
var setOutputDestination = function(destination) {
if (!hasCustomDestination) {
outputDestination = destination;
API.__private__.resetCustomOutputDestination = function() {
hasCustomDestination = false;
outputDestination = content;
var out = (API.__private__.out = function(string) {
string = string.toString();
contentLength += string.length + 1;
return outputDestination;
var write = (API.__private__.write = function(value) {
return out(
arguments.length === 1
? value.toString()
: Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, " ")
var getArrayBuffer = (API.__private__.getArrayBuffer = function(data) {
var len = data.length,
ab = new ArrayBuffer(len),
u8 = new Uint8Array(ab);
while (len--) u8[len] = data.charCodeAt(len);
return ab;
var standardFonts = [
["Helvetica", "helvetica", "normal", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["Helvetica-Bold", "helvetica", "bold", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["Helvetica-Oblique", "helvetica", "italic", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["Helvetica-BoldOblique", "helvetica", "bolditalic", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["Courier", "courier", "normal", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["Courier-Bold", "courier", "bold", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["Courier-Oblique", "courier", "italic", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["Courier-BoldOblique", "courier", "bolditalic", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["Times-Roman", "times", "normal", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["Times-Bold", "times", "bold", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["Times-Italic", "times", "italic", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["Times-BoldItalic", "times", "bolditalic", "WinAnsiEncoding"],
["ZapfDingbats", "zapfdingbats", "normal", null],
["Symbol", "symbol", "normal", null]
API.__private__.getStandardFonts = function() {
return standardFonts;
var activeFontSize = options.fontSize || 16;
* Sets font size for upcoming text elements.
* @param {number} size Font size in points.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setFontSize
API.__private__.setFontSize = API.setFontSize = function(size) {
if (apiMode === ApiMode.ADVANCED) {
activeFontSize = size / scaleFactor;
} else {
activeFontSize = size;
return this;
* Gets the fontsize for upcoming text elements.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {number}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name getFontSize
var getFontSize = (API.__private__.getFontSize = API.getFontSize = function() {
if (apiMode === ApiMode.COMPAT) {
return activeFontSize;
} else {
return activeFontSize * scaleFactor;
var R2L = options.R2L || false;
* Set value of R2L functionality.
* @param {boolean} value
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF} jsPDF-instance
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setR2L
API.__private__.setR2L = API.setR2L = function(value) {
R2L = value;
return this;
* Get value of R2L functionality.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {boolean} jsPDF-instance
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name getR2L
API.__private__.getR2L = API.getR2L = function() {
return R2L;
var zoomMode; // default: 1;
var setZoomMode = (API.__private__.setZoomMode = function(zoom) {
var validZoomModes = [
if (/^\d*\.?\d*%$/.test(zoom)) {
zoomMode = zoom;
} else if (!isNaN(zoom)) {
zoomMode = parseInt(zoom, 10);
} else if (validZoomModes.indexOf(zoom) !== -1) {
zoomMode = zoom;
} else {
throw new Error(
'zoom must be Integer (e.g. 2), a percentage Value (e.g. 300%) or fullwidth, fullheight, fullpage, original. "' +
zoom +
'" is not recognized.'
API.__private__.getZoomMode = function() {
return zoomMode;
var pageMode; // default: 'UseOutlines';
var setPageMode = (API.__private__.setPageMode = function(pmode) {
var validPageModes = [
if (validPageModes.indexOf(pmode) == -1) {
throw new Error(
'Page mode must be one of UseNone, UseOutlines, UseThumbs, or FullScreen. "' +
pmode +
'" is not recognized.'
pageMode = pmode;
API.__private__.getPageMode = function() {
return pageMode;
var layoutMode; // default: 'continuous';
var setLayoutMode = (API.__private__.setLayoutMode = function(layout) {
var validLayoutModes = [
if (validLayoutModes.indexOf(layout) == -1) {
throw new Error(
'Layout mode must be one of continuous, single, twoleft, tworight. "' +
layout +
'" is not recognized.'
layoutMode = layout;
API.__private__.getLayoutMode = function() {
return layoutMode;
* Set the display mode options of the page like zoom and layout.
* @name setDisplayMode
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @function
* @instance
* @param {integer|String} zoom You can pass an integer or percentage as
* a string. 2 will scale the document up 2x, '200%' will scale up by the
* same amount. You can also set it to 'fullwidth', 'fullheight',
* 'fullpage', or 'original'.
* Only certain PDF readers support this, such as Adobe Acrobat.
* @param {string} layout Layout mode can be: 'continuous' - this is the
* default continuous scroll. 'single' - the single page mode only shows one
* page at a time. 'twoleft' - two column left mode, first page starts on
* the left, and 'tworight' - pages are laid out in two columns, with the
* first page on the right. This would be used for books.
* @param {string} pmode 'UseOutlines' - it shows the
* outline of the document on the left. 'UseThumbs' - shows thumbnails along
* the left. 'FullScreen' - prompts the user to enter fullscreen mode.
* @returns {jsPDF}
API.__private__.setDisplayMode = API.setDisplayMode = function(
) {
return this;
var documentProperties = {
title: "",
subject: "",
author: "",
keywords: "",
creator: ""
API.__private__.getDocumentProperty = function(key) {
if (Object.keys(documentProperties).indexOf(key) === -1) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.getDocumentProperty");
return documentProperties[key];
API.__private__.getDocumentProperties = function() {
return documentProperties;
* Adds a properties to the PDF document.
* @param {Object} A property_name-to-property_value object structure.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setDocumentProperties
API.__private__.setDocumentProperties = API.setProperties = API.setDocumentProperties = function(
) {
// copying only those properties we can render.
for (var property in documentProperties) {
if (
documentProperties.hasOwnProperty(property) &&
) {
documentProperties[property] = properties[property];
return this;
API.__private__.setDocumentProperty = function(key, value) {
if (Object.keys(documentProperties).indexOf(key) === -1) {
throw new Error(
"Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.setDocumentProperty"
return (documentProperties[key] = value);
var fonts = {}; // collection of font objects, where key is fontKey - a dynamically created label for a given font.
var fontmap = {}; // mapping structure fontName > fontStyle > font key - performance layer. See addFont()
var activeFontKey; // will be string representing the KEY of the font as combination of fontName + fontStyle
var fontStateStack = []; //
var patterns = {}; // collection of pattern objects
var patternMap = {}; // see fonts
var gStates = {}; // collection of graphic state objects
var gStatesMap = {}; // see fonts
var activeGState = null;
var scaleFactor; // Scale factor
var page = 0;
var pagesContext = [];
var events = new PubSub(API);
var hotfixes = options.hotfixes || [];
var renderTargets = {};
var renderTargetMap = {};
var renderTargetStack = [];
var pageX;
var pageY;
var pageMatrix; // only used for FormObjects
* A matrix object for 2D homogenous transformations: <br>
* | a b 0 | <br>
* | c d 0 | <br>
* | e f 1 | <br>
* pdf multiplies matrices righthand: v' = v x m1 x m2 x ...
* @class
* @name Matrix
* @param {number} sx
* @param {number} shy
* @param {number} shx
* @param {number} sy
* @param {number} tx
* @param {number} ty
* @constructor
var Matrix = function(sx, shy, shx, sy, tx, ty) {
var _matrix = [];
* @name sx
* @memberof Matrix#
Object.defineProperty(this, "sx", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[0];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[0] = value;
* @name shy
* @memberof Matrix#
Object.defineProperty(this, "shy", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[1];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[1] = value;
* @name shx
* @memberof Matrix#
Object.defineProperty(this, "shx", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[2];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[2] = value;
* @name sy
* @memberof Matrix#
Object.defineProperty(this, "sy", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[3];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[3] = value;
* @name tx
* @memberof Matrix#
Object.defineProperty(this, "tx", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[4];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[4] = value;
* @name ty
* @memberof Matrix#
Object.defineProperty(this, "ty", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[5];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[5] = value;
Object.defineProperty(this, "a", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[0];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[0] = value;
Object.defineProperty(this, "b", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[1];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[1] = value;
Object.defineProperty(this, "c", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[2];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[2] = value;
Object.defineProperty(this, "d", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[3];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[3] = value;
Object.defineProperty(this, "e", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[4];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[4] = value;
Object.defineProperty(this, "f", {
get: function() {
return _matrix[5];
set: function(value) {
_matrix[5] = value;
* @name rotation
* @memberof Matrix#
Object.defineProperty(this, "rotation", {
get: function() {
return Math.atan2(this.shx, this.sx);
* @name scaleX
* @memberof Matrix#
Object.defineProperty(this, "scaleX", {
get: function() {
return this.decompose().scale.sx;
* @name scaleY
* @memberof Matrix#
Object.defineProperty(this, "scaleY", {
get: function() {
return this.decompose().scale.sy;
* @name isIdentity
* @memberof Matrix#
Object.defineProperty(this, "isIdentity", {
get: function() {
if (this.sx !== 1) {
return false;
if (this.shy !== 0) {
return false;
if (this.shx !== 0) {
return false;
if (this.sy !== 1) {
return false;
if (this.tx !== 0) {
return false;
if (this.ty !== 0) {
return false;
return true;
this.sx = !isNaN(sx) ? sx : 1;
this.shy = !isNaN(shy) ? shy : 0;
this.shx = !isNaN(shx) ? shx : 0;
this.sy = !isNaN(sy) ? sy : 1;
this.tx = !isNaN(tx) ? tx : 0;
this.ty = !isNaN(ty) ? ty : 0;
return this;
* Join the Matrix Values to a String
* @function join
* @param {string} separator Specifies a string to separate each pair of adjacent elements of the array. The separator is converted to a string if necessary. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma (","). If separator is an empty string, all elements are joined without any characters in between them.
* @returns {string} A string with all array elements joined.
* @memberof Matrix#
Matrix.prototype.join = function(separator) {
return [this.sx, this.shy, this.shx, this.sy, this.tx, this.ty]
* Multiply the matrix with given Matrix
* @function multiply
* @param matrix
* @returns {Matrix}
* @memberof Matrix#
Matrix.prototype.multiply = function(matrix) {
var sx = matrix.sx * this.sx + matrix.shy * this.shx;
var shy = matrix.sx * this.shy + matrix.shy * this.sy;
var shx = matrix.shx * this.sx + matrix.sy * this.shx;
var sy = matrix.shx * this.shy + matrix.sy * this.sy;
var tx = matrix.tx * this.sx + matrix.ty * this.shx + this.tx;
var ty = matrix.tx * this.shy + matrix.ty * this.sy + this.ty;
return new Matrix(sx, shy, shx, sy, tx, ty);
* @function decompose
* @memberof Matrix#
Matrix.prototype.decompose = function() {
var a = this.sx;
var b = this.shy;
var c = this.shx;
var d = this.sy;
var e = this.tx;
var f = this.ty;
var scaleX = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
a /= scaleX;
b /= scaleX;
var shear = a * c + b * d;
c -= a * shear;
d -= b * shear;
var scaleY = Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d);
c /= scaleY;
d /= scaleY;
shear /= scaleY;
if (a * d < b * c) {
a = -a;
b = -b;
shear = -shear;
scaleX = -scaleX;
return {
scale: new Matrix(scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, 0, 0),
translate: new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, e, f),
rotate: new Matrix(a, b, -b, a, 0, 0),
skew: new Matrix(1, 0, shear, 1, 0, 0)
* @function toString
* @memberof Matrix#
Matrix.prototype.toString = function(parmPrecision) {
return this.join(" ");
* @function inversed
* @memberof Matrix#
Matrix.prototype.inversed = function() {
var a = this.sx,
b = this.shy,
c = this.shx,
d = this.sy,
e = this.tx,
f = this.ty;
var quot = 1 / (a * d - b * c);
var aInv = d * quot;
var bInv = -b * quot;
var cInv = -c * quot;
var dInv = a * quot;
var eInv = -aInv * e - cInv * f;
var fInv = -bInv * e - dInv * f;
return new Matrix(aInv, bInv, cInv, dInv, eInv, fInv);
* @function applyToPoint
* @memberof Matrix#
Matrix.prototype.applyToPoint = function(pt) {
var x = pt.x * this.sx + pt.y * this.shx + this.tx;
var y = pt.x * this.shy + pt.y * this.sy + this.ty;
return new Point(x, y);
* @function applyToRectangle
* @memberof Matrix#
Matrix.prototype.applyToRectangle = function(rect) {
var pt1 = this.applyToPoint(rect);
var pt2 = this.applyToPoint(new Point(rect.x + rect.w, rect.y + rect.h));
return new Rectangle(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x - pt1.x, pt2.y - pt1.y);
* Clone the Matrix
* @function clone
* @memberof Matrix#
* @name clone
* @instance
Matrix.prototype.clone = function() {
var sx = this.sx;
var shy = this.shy;
var shx = this.shx;
var sy = this.sy;
var tx = this.tx;
var ty = this.ty;
return new Matrix(sx, shy, shx, sy, tx, ty);
API.Matrix = Matrix;
* Multiplies two matrices. (see {@link Matrix})
* @param {Matrix} m1
* @param {Matrix} m2
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name matrixMult
var matrixMult = (API.matrixMult = function(m1, m2) {
return m2.multiply(m1);
* The identity matrix (equivalent to new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)).
* @type {Matrix}
* @memberof! jsPDF#
* @name identityMatrix
var identityMatrix = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
API.unitMatrix = API.identityMatrix = identityMatrix;
var Pattern = function(gState, matrix) {
this.gState = gState;
this.matrix = matrix;
this.id = ""; // set by addPattern()
this.objectNumber = -1; // will be set by putPattern()
* Adds a new pattern for later use.
* @param {String} key The key by it can be referenced later. The keys must be unique!
* @param {API.Pattern} pattern The pattern
var addPattern = function(key, pattern) {
// only add it if it is not already present (the keys provided by the user must be unique!)
if (patternMap[key]) return;
var prefix = pattern instanceof API.ShadingPattern ? "Sh" : "P";
var patternKey = prefix + (Object.keys(patterns).length + 1).toString(10);
pattern.id = patternKey;
patternMap[key] = patternKey;
patterns[patternKey] = pattern;
events.publish("addPattern", pattern);
* A pattern describing a shading pattern.
* Only available in "advanced" API mode.
* @param {String} type One of "axial" or "radial"
* @param {Array<Number>} coords Either [x1, y1, x2, y2] for "axial" type describing the two interpolation points
* or [x1, y1, r, x2, y2, r2] for "radial" describing inner and the outer circle.
* @param {Array<Object>} colors An array of objects with the fields "offset" and "color". "offset" describes
* the offset in parameter space [0, 1]. "color" is an array of length 3 describing RGB values in [0, 255].
* @param {GState=} gState An additional graphics state that gets applied to the pattern (optional).
* @param {Matrix=} matrix A matrix that describes the transformation between the pattern coordinate system
* and the use coordinate system (optional).
* @constructor
* @extends API.Pattern
API.ShadingPattern = function(type, coords, colors, gState, matrix) {
// see putPattern() for information how they are realized
this.type = type === "axial" ? 2 : 3;
this.coords = coords;
this.colors = colors;
Pattern.call(this, gState, matrix);
* A PDF Tiling pattern.
* Only available in "advanced" API mode.
* @param {Array.<Number>} boundingBox The bounding box at which one pattern cell gets clipped.
* @param {Number} xStep Horizontal spacing between pattern cells.
* @param {Number} yStep Vertical spacing between pattern cells.
* @param {API.GState=} gState An additional graphics state that gets applied to the pattern (optional).
* @param {Matrix=} matrix A matrix that describes the transformation between the pattern coordinate system
* and the use coordinate system (optional).
* @constructor
* @extends API.Pattern
API.TilingPattern = function(boundingBox, xStep, yStep, gState, matrix) {
this.boundingBox = boundingBox;
this.xStep = xStep;
this.yStep = yStep;
this.stream = ""; // set by endTilingPattern();
this.cloneIndex = 0;
Pattern.call(this, gState, matrix);
API.TilingPattern.prototype = {
createClone: function(patternKey, boundingBox, xStep, yStep, matrix) {
var clone = new API.TilingPattern(
boundingBox || this.boundingBox,
xStep || this.xStep,
yStep || this.yStep,
matrix || this.matrix
clone.stream = this.stream;
var key = patternKey + "$$" + this.cloneIndex++ + "$$";
addPattern(key, clone);
return clone;
* Adds a new {@link API.ShadingPattern} for later use. Only available in "advanced" API mode.
* @param {String} key
* @param {Pattern} pattern
* @function
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name addPattern
API.addShadingPattern = function(key, pattern) {
addPattern(key, pattern);
return this;
* Begins a new tiling pattern. All subsequent render calls are drawn to this pattern until {@link API.endTilingPattern}
* gets called. Only available in "advanced" API mode.
* @param {API.Pattern} pattern
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name beginTilingPattern
API.beginTilingPattern = function(pattern) {
pattern.boundingBox[2] - pattern.boundingBox[0],
pattern.boundingBox[3] - pattern.boundingBox[1],
* Ends a tiling pattern and sets the render target to the one active before {@link API.beginTilingPattern} has been called.
* Only available in "advanced" API mode.
* @param {string} key A unique key that is used to reference this pattern at later use.
* @param {API.Pattern} pattern The pattern to end.
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name endTilingPattern
API.endTilingPattern = function(key, pattern) {
// retrieve the stream
pattern.stream = pages[currentPage].join("\n");
addPattern(key, pattern);
events.publish("endTilingPattern", pattern);
// restore state from stack
var newObject = (API.__private__.newObject = function() {
var oid = newObjectDeferred();
newObjectDeferredBegin(oid, true);
return oid;
// Does not output the object. The caller must call newObjectDeferredBegin(oid) before outputing any data
var newObjectDeferred = (API.__private__.newObjectDeferred = function() {
offsets[objectNumber] = function() {
return contentLength;
return objectNumber;
var newObjectDeferredBegin = function(oid, doOutput) {
doOutput = typeof doOutput === "boolean" ? doOutput : false;
offsets[oid] = contentLength;
if (doOutput) {
out(oid + " 0 obj");
return oid;
// Does not output the object until after the pages have been output.
// Returns an object containing the objectId and content.
// All pages have been added so the object ID can be estimated to start right after.
// This does not modify the current objectNumber; It must be updated after the newObjects are output.
var newAdditionalObject = (API.__private__.newAdditionalObject = function() {
var objId = newObjectDeferred();
var obj = {
objId: objId,
content: ""
return obj;
var rootDictionaryObjId = newObjectDeferred();
var resourceDictionaryObjId = newObjectDeferred();
// Private functions
var decodeColorString = (API.__private__.decodeColorString = function(
) {
var colorEncoded = color.split(" ");
if (
colorEncoded.length === 2 &&
(colorEncoded[1] === "g" || colorEncoded[1] === "G")
) {
// convert grayscale value to rgb so that it can be converted to hex for consistency
var floatVal = parseFloat(colorEncoded[0]);
colorEncoded = [floatVal, floatVal, floatVal, "r"];
} else if (
colorEncoded.length === 5 &&
(colorEncoded[4] === "k" || colorEncoded[4] === "K")
) {
// convert CMYK values to rbg so that it can be converted to hex for consistency
var red = (1.0 - colorEncoded[0]) * (1.0 - colorEncoded[3]);
var green = (1.0 - colorEncoded[1]) * (1.0 - colorEncoded[3]);
var blue = (1.0 - colorEncoded[2]) * (1.0 - colorEncoded[3]);
colorEncoded = [red, green, blue, "r"];
var colorAsRGB = "#";
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
colorAsRGB += (
"0" + Math.floor(parseFloat(colorEncoded[i]) * 255).toString(16)
return colorAsRGB;
var encodeColorString = (API.__private__.encodeColorString = function(
) {
var color;
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = {
ch1: options
var ch1 = options.ch1;
var ch2 = options.ch2;
var ch3 = options.ch3;
var ch4 = options.ch4;
var letterArray =
options.pdfColorType === "draw" ? ["G", "RG", "K"] : ["g", "rg", "k"];
if (typeof ch1 === "string" && ch1.charAt(0) !== "#") {
var rgbColor = new RGBColor(ch1);
if (rgbColor.ok) {
ch1 = rgbColor.toHex();
} else if (!/^\d*\.?\d*$/.test(ch1)) {
throw new Error(
'Invalid color "' + ch1 + '" passed to jsPDF.encodeColorString.'
//convert short rgb to long form
if (typeof ch1 === "string" && /^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{3}$/.test(ch1)) {
ch1 = "#" + ch1[1] + ch1[1] + ch1[2] + ch1[2] + ch1[3] + ch1[3];
if (typeof ch1 === "string" && /^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/.test(ch1)) {
var hex = parseInt(ch1.substr(1), 16);
ch1 = (hex >> 16) & 255;
ch2 = (hex >> 8) & 255;
ch3 = hex & 255;
if (
typeof ch2 === "undefined" ||
(typeof ch4 === "undefined" && ch1 === ch2 && ch2 === ch3)
) {
// Gray color space.
if (typeof ch1 === "string") {
color = ch1 + " " + letterArray[0];
} else {
switch (options.precision) {
case 2:
color = f2(ch1 / 255) + " " + letterArray[0];
case 3:
color = f3(ch1 / 255) + " " + letterArray[0];
} else if (typeof ch4 === "undefined" || typeof ch4 === "object") {
// assume RGBA
if (ch4 && !isNaN(ch4.a)) {
//TODO Implement transparency.
//WORKAROUND use white for now, if transparent, otherwise handle as rgb
if (ch4.a === 0) {
color = ["1.", "1.", "1.", letterArray[1]].join(" ");
return color;
// assume RGB
if (typeof ch1 === "string") {
color = [ch1, ch2, ch3, letterArray[1]].join(" ");
} else {
switch (options.precision) {
case 2:
color = [
f2(ch1 / 255),
f2(ch2 / 255),
f2(ch3 / 255),
].join(" ");
case 3:
color = [
f3(ch1 / 255),
f3(ch2 / 255),
f3(ch3 / 255),
].join(" ");
} else {
// assume CMYK
if (typeof ch1 === "string") {
color = [ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, letterArray[2]].join(" ");
} else {
switch (options.precision) {
case 2:
color = [f2(ch1), f2(ch2), f2(ch3), f2(ch4), letterArray[2]].join(
" "
case 3:
color = [f3(ch1), f3(ch2), f3(ch3), f3(ch4), letterArray[2]].join(
" "
return color;
var getFilters = (API.__private__.getFilters = function() {
return filters;
var putStream = (API.__private__.putStream = function(options) {
options = options || {};
var data = options.data || "";
var filters = options.filters || getFilters();
var alreadyAppliedFilters = options.alreadyAppliedFilters || [];
var addLength1 = options.addLength1 || false;
var valueOfLength1 = data.length;
var processedData = {};
if (filters === true) {
filters = ["FlateEncode"];
var keyValues = options.additionalKeyValues || [];
if (typeof jsPDF.API.processDataByFilters !== "undefined") {
processedData = jsPDF.API.processDataByFilters(data, filters);
} else {
processedData = { data: data, reverseChain: [] };
var filterAsString =
processedData.reverseChain +
? alreadyAppliedFilters.join(" ")
: alreadyAppliedFilters.toString());
if (processedData.data.length !== 0) {
key: "Length",
value: processedData.data.length
if (addLength1 === true) {
key: "Length1",
value: valueOfLength1
if (filterAsString.length != 0) {
if (filterAsString.split("/").length - 1 === 1) {
key: "Filter",
value: filterAsString
} else {
key: "Filter",
value: "[" + filterAsString + "]"
for (var j = 0; j < keyValues.length; j += 1) {
if (keyValues[j].key === "DecodeParms") {
var decodeParmsArray = [];
for (
var i = 0;
i < processedData.reverseChain.split("/").length - 1;
i += 1
) {
keyValues[j].value = "[" + decodeParmsArray.join(" ") + "]";
for (var k = 0; k < keyValues.length; k++) {
out("/" + keyValues[k].key + " " + keyValues[k].value);
if (processedData.data.length !== 0) {
var putPage = (API.__private__.putPage = function(page) {
var pageNumber = page.number;
var data = page.data;
var pageObjectNumber = page.objId;
var pageContentsObjId = page.contentsObjId;
newObjectDeferredBegin(pageObjectNumber, true);
out("<</Type /Page");
out("/Parent " + page.rootDictionaryObjId + " 0 R");
out("/Resources " + page.resourceDictionaryObjId + " 0 R");
"/MediaBox [" +
parseFloat(hpf(page.mediaBox.bottomLeftX)) +
" " +
parseFloat(hpf(page.mediaBox.bottomLeftY)) +
" " +
hpf(page.mediaBox.topRightX) +
" " +
hpf(page.mediaBox.topRightY) +
if (page.cropBox !== null) {
"/CropBox [" +
hpf(page.cropBox.bottomLeftX) +
" " +
hpf(page.cropBox.bottomLeftY) +
" " +
hpf(page.cropBox.topRightX) +
" " +
hpf(page.cropBox.topRightY) +
if (page.bleedBox !== null) {
"/BleedBox [" +
hpf(page.bleedBox.bottomLeftX) +
" " +
hpf(page.bleedBox.bottomLeftY) +
" " +
hpf(page.bleedBox.topRightX) +
" " +
hpf(page.bleedBox.topRightY) +
if (page.trimBox !== null) {
"/TrimBox [" +
hpf(page.trimBox.bottomLeftX) +
" " +
hpf(page.trimBox.bottomLeftY) +
" " +
hpf(page.trimBox.topRightX) +
" " +
hpf(page.trimBox.topRightY) +
if (page.artBox !== null) {
"/ArtBox [" +
hpf(page.artBox.bottomLeftX) +
" " +
hpf(page.artBox.bottomLeftY) +
" " +
hpf(page.artBox.topRightX) +
" " +
hpf(page.artBox.topRightY) +
if (typeof page.userUnit === "number" && page.userUnit !== 1.0) {
out("/UserUnit " + page.userUnit);
events.publish("putPage", {
objId: pageObjectNumber,
pageContext: pagesContext[pageNumber],
pageNumber: pageNumber,
page: data
out("/Contents " + pageContentsObjId + " 0 R");
// Page content
var pageContent = data.join("\n");
if (apiMode === ApiMode.ADVANCED) {
// if the user forgot to switch back to COMPAT mode, we must balance the graphics stack again
pageContent += "\nQ";
newObjectDeferredBegin(pageContentsObjId, true);
data: pageContent,
filters: getFilters()
return pageObjectNumber;
var putPages = (API.__private__.putPages = function() {
var n,
pageObjectNumbers = [];
for (n = 1; n <= page; n++) {
pagesContext[n].objId = newObjectDeferred();
pagesContext[n].contentsObjId = newObjectDeferred();
for (n = 1; n <= page; n++) {
number: n,
data: pages[n],
objId: pagesContext[n].objId,
contentsObjId: pagesContext[n].contentsObjId,
mediaBox: pagesContext[n].mediaBox,
cropBox: pagesContext[n].cropBox,
bleedBox: pagesContext[n].bleedBox,
trimBox: pagesContext[n].trimBox,
artBox: pagesContext[n].artBox,
userUnit: pagesContext[n].userUnit,
rootDictionaryObjId: rootDictionaryObjId,
resourceDictionaryObjId: resourceDictionaryObjId
newObjectDeferredBegin(rootDictionaryObjId, true);
out("<</Type /Pages");
var kids = "/Kids [";
for (i = 0; i < page; i++) {
kids += pageObjectNumbers[i] + " 0 R ";
out(kids + "]");
out("/Count " + page);
var putFont = function(font) {
var pdfEscapeWithNeededParanthesis = function(text, flags) {
var addParanthesis = text.indexOf(" ") !== -1;
return addParanthesis
? "(" + pdfEscape(text, flags) + ")"
: pdfEscape(text, flags);
events.publish("putFont", {
font: font,
out: out,
newObject: newObject,
putStream: putStream,
pdfEscapeWithNeededParanthesis: pdfEscapeWithNeededParanthesis
if (font.isAlreadyPutted !== true) {
font.objectNumber = newObject();
out("/Type /Font");
"/BaseFont /" + pdfEscapeWithNeededParanthesis(font.postScriptName)
out("/Subtype /Type1");
if (typeof font.encoding === "string") {
out("/Encoding /" + font.encoding);
out("/FirstChar 32");
out("/LastChar 255");
var putFonts = function() {
for (var fontKey in fonts) {
if (fonts.hasOwnProperty(fontKey)) {
if (
putOnlyUsedFonts === false ||
(putOnlyUsedFonts === true && usedFonts.hasOwnProperty(fontKey))
) {
var putXObject = function(xObject) {
xObject.objectNumber = newObject();
var options = [];
options.push({ key: "Type", value: "/XObject" });
options.push({ key: "Subtype", value: "/Form" });
key: "BBox",
"[" +
hpf(xObject.x + xObject.width),
hpf(xObject.y + xObject.height)
].join(" ") +
key: "Matrix",
value: "[" + xObject.matrix.toString() + "]"
// TODO: /Resources
var stream = xObject.pages[1].join("\n");
data: stream,
additionalKeyValues: options
var putXObjects = function() {
for (var xObjectKey in renderTargets) {
if (renderTargets.hasOwnProperty(xObjectKey)) {
var interpolateAndEncodeRGBStream = function(colors, numberSamples) {
var tValues = [];
var t;
var dT = 1.0 / (numberSamples - 1);
for (t = 0.0; t < 1.0; t += dT) {
// add first and last control point if not present
if (colors[0].offset != 0.0) {
var c0 = {
offset: 0.0,
color: colors[0].color
if (colors[colors.length - 1].offset != 1.0) {
var c1 = {
offset: 1.0,
color: colors[colors.length - 1].color
var out = "";
var index = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < tValues.length; i++) {
t = tValues[i];
while (t > colors[index + 1].offset) index++;
var a = colors[index].offset;
var b = colors[index + 1].offset;
var d = (t - a) / (b - a);
var aColor = colors[index].color;
var bColor = colors[index + 1].color;
out +=
Math.round((1 - d) * aColor[0] + d * bColor[0]).toString(16)
) +
Math.round((1 - d) * aColor[1] + d * bColor[1]).toString(16)
) +
Math.round((1 - d) * aColor[2] + d * bColor[2]).toString(16)
return out.trim();
var putShadingPattern = function(pattern, numberSamples) {
Axial patterns shade between the two points specified in coords, radial patterns between the inner
and outer circle.
The user can specify an array (colors) that maps t-Values in [0, 1] to RGB colors. These are now
interpolated to equidistant samples and written to pdf as a sample (type 0) function.
// The number of color samples that should be used to describe the shading.
// The higher, the more accurate the gradient will be.
numberSamples || (numberSamples = 21);
var funcObjectNumber = newObject();
var stream = interpolateAndEncodeRGBStream(pattern.colors, numberSamples);
var options = [];
options.push({ key: "FunctionType", value: "0" });
options.push({ key: "Domain", value: "[0.0 1.0]" });
options.push({ key: "Size", value: "[" + numberSamples + "]" });
options.push({ key: "BitsPerSample", value: "8" });
options.push({ key: "Range", value: "[0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0]" });
options.push({ key: "Decode", value: "[0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0]" });
data: stream,
additionalKeyValues: options,
alreadyAppliedFilters: ["/ASCIIHexDecode"]
pattern.objectNumber = newObject();
out("<< /ShadingType " + pattern.type);
out("/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB");
var coords =
"/Coords [" +
hpf(parseFloat(pattern.coords[0])) +
" " + // x1
hpf(parseFloat(pattern.coords[1])) +
" "; // y1
if (pattern.type === 2) {
// axial
coords +=
hpf(parseFloat(pattern.coords[2])) +
" " + // x2
hpf(parseFloat(pattern.coords[3])); // y2
} else {
// radial
coords +=
hpf(parseFloat(pattern.coords[2])) +
" " + // r1
hpf(parseFloat(pattern.coords[3])) +
" " + // x2
hpf(parseFloat(pattern.coords[4])) +
" " + // y2
hpf(parseFloat(pattern.coords[5])); // r2
coords += "]";
if (pattern.matrix) {
out("/Matrix [" + pattern.matrix.toString() + "]");
out("/Function " + funcObjectNumber + " 0 R");
out("/Extend [true true]");
var putTilingPattern = function(pattern) {
var resourcesObjectNumber = putResourceDictionary(false);
pattern.objectNumber = newObject();
var options = [];
options.push({ key: "Type", value: "/Pattern" });
options.push({ key: "PatternType", value: "1" }); // tiling pattern
options.push({ key: "PaintType", value: "1" }); // colored tiling pattern
options.push({ key: "TilingType", value: "1" }); // constant spacing
key: "BBox",
value: "[" + pattern.boundingBox.map(hpf).join(" ") + "]"
options.push({ key: "XStep", value: hpf(pattern.xStep) });
options.push({ key: "YStep", value: hpf(pattern.yStep) });
options.push({ key: "Resources", value: resourcesObjectNumber + " 0 R" });
if (pattern.matrix) {
key: "Matrix",
value: "[" + pattern.matrix.toString() + "]"
data: pattern.stream,
additionalKeyValues: options
var putPatterns = function() {
var patternKey;
for (patternKey in patterns) {
if (patterns.hasOwnProperty(patternKey)) {
if (patterns[patternKey] instanceof API.ShadingPattern) {
} else if (patterns[patternKey] instanceof API.TilingPattern) {
var putGState = function(gState) {
gState.objectNumber = newObject();
for (var p in gState) {
switch (p) {
case "opacity":
out("/ca " + f2(gState[p]));
case "stroke-opacity":
out("/CA " + f2(gState[p]));
var putGStates = function() {
var gStateKey;
for (gStateKey in gStates) {
if (gStates.hasOwnProperty(gStateKey)) {
var putXobjectDict = function() {
out("/XObject <<");
for (var xObjectKey in renderTargets) {
if (
renderTargets.hasOwnProperty(xObjectKey) &&
renderTargets[xObjectKey].objectNumber >= 0
) {
"/" +
xObjectKey +
" " +
renderTargets[xObjectKey].objectNumber +
" 0 R"
// Loop through images, or other data objects
var putFontDict = function() {
out("/Font <<");
for (var fontKey in fonts) {
if (fonts.hasOwnProperty(fontKey)) {
if (
putOnlyUsedFonts === false ||
(putOnlyUsedFonts === true && usedFonts.hasOwnProperty(fontKey))
) {
out("/" + fontKey + " " + fonts[fontKey].objectNumber + " 0 R");
var putShadingPatternDict = function() {
if (Object.keys(patterns).length > 0) {
out("/Shading <<");
for (var patternKey in patterns) {
if (
patterns.hasOwnProperty(patternKey) &&
patterns[patternKey] instanceof API.ShadingPattern &&
patterns[patternKey].objectNumber >= 0
) {
"/" +
patternKey +
" " +
patterns[patternKey].objectNumber +
" 0 R"
var putTilingPatternDict = function() {
if (Object.keys(patterns).length > 0) {
out("/Pattern <<");
for (var patternKey in patterns) {
if (
patterns.hasOwnProperty(patternKey) &&
patterns[patternKey] instanceof API.TilingPattern &&
patterns[patternKey].objectNumber >= 0
) {
"/" +
patternKey +
" " +
patterns[patternKey].objectNumber +
" 0 R"
var putGStatesDict = function() {
if (Object.keys(gStates).length > 0) {
var gStateKey;
out("/ExtGState <<");
for (gStateKey in gStates) {
if (
gStates.hasOwnProperty(gStateKey) &&
gStates[gStateKey].objectNumber >= 0
) {
"/" + gStateKey + " " + gStates[gStateKey].objectNumber + " 0 R"
var putResourceDictionary = function(useDeferredObject) {
var oid;
if (useDeferredObject) {
oid = newObjectDeferredBegin(resourceDictionaryObjId, true);
} else {
oid = newObject();
out("/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]");
return oid;
var putResources = function() {
var putAdditionalObjects = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < additionalObjects.length; i++) {
var obj = additionalObjects[i];
newObjectDeferredBegin(obj.objId, true);
var addFontToFontDictionary = function(font) {
fontmap[font.fontName] = fontmap[font.fontName] || {};
fontmap[font.fontName][font.fontStyle] = font.id;
var addFont = function(
) {
var font = {
id: "F" + (Object.keys(fonts).length + 1).toString(10),
postScriptName: postScriptName,
fontName: fontName,
fontStyle: fontStyle,
encoding: encoding,
isStandardFont: isStandardFont || false,
metadata: {}
var instance = this;
events.publish("addFont", {
font: font,
instance: instance
fonts[font.id] = font;
return font.id;
var addFonts = function(arrayOfFonts) {
for (var i = 0, l = standardFonts.length; i < l; i++) {
var fontKey = addFont(
if (putOnlyUsedFonts === false) {
usedFonts[fontKey] = true;
// adding aliases for standard fonts, this time matching the capitalization
var parts = arrayOfFonts[i][0].split("-");
id: fontKey,
fontName: parts[0],
fontStyle: parts[1] || ""
events.publish("addFonts", {
fonts: fonts,
dictionary: fontmap
var SAFE = function __safeCall(fn) {
fn.foo = function __safeCallWrapper() {
try {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (e) {
var stack = e.stack || "";
if (~stack.indexOf(" at ")) stack = stack.split(" at ")[1];
var m =
"Error in function " +
stack.split("\n")[0].split("<")[0] +
": " +
if (global.console) {
global.console.error(m, e);
if (global.alert) alert(m);
} else {
throw new Error(m);
fn.foo.bar = fn;
return fn.foo;
var to8bitStream = function(text, flags) {
* PDF 1.3 spec:
* "For text strings encoded in Unicode, the first two bytes must be 254 followed by
* 255, representing the Unicode byte order marker, U+FEFF. (This sequence conflicts
* with the PDFDocEncoding character sequence thorn ydieresis, which is unlikely
* to be a meaningful beginning of a word or phrase.) The remainder of the
* string consists of Unicode character codes, according to the UTF-16 encoding
* specified in the Unicode standard, version 2.0. Commonly used Unicode values
* are represented as 2 bytes per character, with the high-order byte appearing first
* in the string."
* In other words, if there are chars in a string with char code above 255, we
* recode the string to UCS2 BE - string doubles in length and BOM is prepended.
* Actual *content* (body) text (as opposed to strings used in document properties etc)
* does NOT expect BOM. There, it is treated as a literal GID (Glyph ID)
* Because of Adobe's focus on "you subset your fonts!" you are not supposed to have
* a font that maps directly Unicode (UCS2 / UTF16BE) code to font GID, but you could
* fudge it with "Identity-H" encoding and custom CIDtoGID map that mimics Unicode
* code page. There, however, all characters in the stream are treated as GIDs,
* including BOM, which is the reason we need to skip BOM in content text (i.e. that
* that is tied to a font).
* To signal this "special" PDFEscape / to8bitStream handling mode,
* API.text() function sets (unless you overwrite it with manual values
* given to API.text(.., flags) )
* flags.autoencode = true
* flags.noBOM = true
* ===================================================================================
* `flags` properties relied upon:
* .sourceEncoding = string with encoding label.
* "Unicode" by default. = encoding of the incoming text.
* pass some non-existing encoding name
* (ex: 'Do not touch my strings! I know what I am doing.')
* to make encoding code skip the encoding step.
* .outputEncoding = Either valid PDF encoding name
* (must be supported by jsPDF font metrics, otherwise no encoding)
* or a JS object, where key = sourceCharCode, value = outputCharCode
* missing keys will be treated as: sourceCharCode === outputCharCode
* .noBOM
* See comment higher above for explanation for why this is important
* .autoencode
* See comment higher above for explanation for why this is important
var i,
flags = flags || {};
sourceEncoding = flags.sourceEncoding || "Unicode";
outputEncoding = flags.outputEncoding;
// This 'encoding' section relies on font metrics format
// attached to font objects by, among others,
// "Willow Systems' standard_font_metrics plugin"
// see jspdf.plugin.standard_font_metrics.js for format
// of the font.metadata.encoding Object.
// It should be something like
// .encoding = {'codePages':['WinANSI....'], 'WinANSI...':{code:code, ...}}
// .widths = {0:width, code:width, ..., 'fof':divisor}
// .kerning = {code:{previous_char_code:shift, ..., 'fof':-divisor},...}
if (
(flags.autoencode || outputEncoding) &&
fonts[activeFontKey].metadata &&
fonts[activeFontKey].metadata[sourceEncoding] &&
) {
encodingBlock = fonts[activeFontKey].metadata[sourceEncoding].encoding;
// each font has default encoding. Some have it clearly defined.
if (!outputEncoding && fonts[activeFontKey].encoding) {
outputEncoding = fonts[activeFontKey].encoding;
// Hmmm, the above did not work? Let's try again, in different place.
if (!outputEncoding && encodingBlock.codePages) {
outputEncoding = encodingBlock.codePages[0]; // let's say, first one is the default
if (typeof outputEncoding === "string") {
outputEncoding = encodingBlock[outputEncoding];
// we want output encoding to be a JS Object, where
// key = sourceEncoding's character code and
// value = outputEncoding's character code.
if (outputEncoding) {
isUnicode = false;
newtext = [];
for (i = 0, l = text.length; i < l; i++) {
ch = outputEncoding[text.charCodeAt(i)];
if (ch) {
} else {
// since we are looping over chars anyway, might as well
// check for residual unicodeness
if (newtext[i].charCodeAt(0) >> 8) {
/* more than 255 */
isUnicode = true;
text = newtext.join("");
i = text.length;
// isUnicode may be set to false above. Hence the triple-equal to undefined
while (isUnicode === undefined && i !== 0) {
if (text.charCodeAt(i - 1) >> 8) {
/* more than 255 */
isUnicode = true;
if (!isUnicode) {
return text;
newtext = flags.noBOM ? [] : [254, 255];
for (i = 0, l = text.length; i < l; i++) {
ch = text.charCodeAt(i);
bch = ch >> 8; // divide by 256
if (bch >> 8) {
/* something left after dividing by 256 second time */
throw new Error(
"Character at position " +
i +
" of string '" +
text +
"' exceeds 16bits. Cannot be encoded into UCS-2 BE"
newtext.push(ch - (bch << 8));
return String.fromCharCode.apply(undefined, newtext);
var pdfEscape = (API.__private__.pdfEscape = API.pdfEscape = function(
) {
* Replace '/', '(', and ')' with pdf-safe versions
* Doing to8bitStream does NOT make this PDF display unicode text. For that
* we also need to reference a unicode font and embed it - royal pain in the rear.
* There is still a benefit to to8bitStream - PDF simply cannot handle 16bit chars,
* which JavaScript Strings are happy to provide. So, while we still cannot display
* 2-byte characters property, at least CONDITIONALLY converting (entire string containing)
* 16bit chars to (USC-2-BE) 2-bytes per char + BOM streams we ensure that entire PDF
* is still parseable.
* This will allow immediate support for unicode in document properties strings.
return to8bitStream(text, flags)
.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")
.replace(/\(/g, "\\(")
.replace(/\)/g, "\\)");
var beginPage = (API.__private__.beginPage = function(format) {
pages[++page] = [];
pagesContext[page] = {
objId: 0,
contentsObjId: 0,
userUnit: Number(userUnit),
artBox: null,
bleedBox: null,
cropBox: null,
trimBox: null,
mediaBox: {
bottomLeftX: 0,
bottomLeftY: 0,
topRightX: Number(format[0]),
topRightY: Number(format[1])
var _addPage = function(parmFormat, parmOrientation) {
var dimensions, width, height;
orientation = parmOrientation || orientation;
if (typeof parmFormat === "string") {
dimensions = getPageFormat(parmFormat.toLowerCase());
if (Array.isArray(dimensions)) {
width = dimensions[0];
height = dimensions[1];
if (Array.isArray(parmFormat)) {
width = parmFormat[0] * scaleFactor;
height = parmFormat[1] * scaleFactor;
if (isNaN(width)) {
width = format[0];
height = format[1];
if (width > 14400 || height > 14400) {
"A page in a PDF can not be wider or taller than 14400 userUnit. jsPDF limits the width/height to 14400"
width = Math.min(14400, width);
height = Math.min(14400, height);
format = [width, height];
switch (orientation.substr(0, 1)) {
case "l":
if (height > width) {
format = [height, width];
case "p":
if (width > height) {
format = [height, width];
// Set line width
// Set draw color
// resurrecting non-default line caps, joins
if (lineCapID !== 0) {
out(lineCapID + " J");
if (lineJoinID !== 0) {
out(lineJoinID + " j");
events.publish("addPage", {
pageNumber: page
var _deletePage = function(n) {
if (n > 0 && n <= page) {
pages.splice(n, 1);
pagesContext.splice(n, 1);
if (currentPage > page) {
currentPage = page;
var _setPage = function(n) {
if (n > 0 && n <= page) {
currentPage = n;
var getNumberOfPages = (API.__private__.getNumberOfPages = API.getNumberOfPages = function() {
return pages.length - 1;
* Returns a document-specific font key - a label assigned to a
* font name + font type combination at the time the font was added
* to the font inventory.
* Font key is used as label for the desired font for a block of text
* to be added to the PDF document stream.
* @private
* @function
* @param fontName {string} can be undefined on "falthy" to indicate "use current"
* @param fontStyle {string} can be undefined on "falthy" to indicate "use current"
* @returns {string} Font key.
* @ignore
var getFont = function(fontName, fontStyle, options) {
var key = undefined,
options = options || {};
fontName =
fontName !== undefined ? fontName : fonts[activeFontKey].fontName;
fontStyle =
fontStyle !== undefined ? fontStyle : fonts[activeFontKey].fontStyle;
fontNameLowerCase = fontName.toLowerCase();
if (
fontmap[fontNameLowerCase] !== undefined &&
fontmap[fontNameLowerCase][fontStyle] !== undefined
) {
key = fontmap[fontNameLowerCase][fontStyle];
} else if (
fontmap[fontName] !== undefined &&
fontmap[fontName][fontStyle] !== undefined
) {
key = fontmap[fontName][fontStyle];
} else {
if (options.disableWarning === false) {
"Unable to look up font label for font '" +
fontName +
"', '" +
fontStyle +
"'. Refer to getFontList() for available fonts."
if (!key && !options.noFallback) {
key = fontmap["times"][fontStyle];
if (key == null) {
key = fontmap["times"]["normal"];
return key;
var putInfo = (API.__private__.putInfo = function() {
out("/Producer (jsPDF " + jsPDF.version + ")");
for (var key in documentProperties) {
if (documentProperties.hasOwnProperty(key) && documentProperties[key]) {
"/" +
key.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() +
key.substr(1) +
" (" +
pdfEscape(documentProperties[key]) +
out("/CreationDate (" + creationDate + ")");
var putCatalog = (API.__private__.putCatalog = function(options) {
options = options || {};
var tmpRootDictionaryObjId =
options.rootDictionaryObjId || rootDictionaryObjId;
out("/Type /Catalog");
out("/Pages " + tmpRootDictionaryObjId + " 0 R");
// PDF13ref Section 7.2.1
if (!zoomMode) zoomMode = "fullwidth";
switch (zoomMode) {
case "fullwidth":
out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /FitH null]");
case "fullheight":
out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /FitV null]");
case "fullpage":
out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /Fit]");
case "original":
out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null 1]");
var pcn = "" + zoomMode;
if (pcn.substr(pcn.length - 1) === "%")
zoomMode = parseInt(zoomMode) / 100;
if (typeof zoomMode === "number") {
out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null " + f2(zoomMode) + "]");
if (!layoutMode) layoutMode = "continuous";
switch (layoutMode) {
case "continuous":
out("/PageLayout /OneColumn");
case "single":
out("/PageLayout /SinglePage");
case "two":
case "twoleft":
out("/PageLayout /TwoColumnLeft");
case "tworight":
out("/PageLayout /TwoColumnRight");
if (pageMode) {
* A name object specifying how the document should be displayed when opened:
* UseNone : Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible -- DEFAULT
* UseOutlines : Document outline visible
* UseThumbs : Thumbnail images visible
* FullScreen : Full-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible
out("/PageMode /" + pageMode);
var putTrailer = (API.__private__.putTrailer = function() {
out("/Size " + (objectNumber + 1));
out("/Root " + objectNumber + " 0 R");
out("/Info " + (objectNumber - 1) + " 0 R");
out("/ID [ <" + fileId + "> <" + fileId + "> ]");
var putHeader = (API.__private__.putHeader = function() {
out("%PDF-" + pdfVersion);
var putXRef = (API.__private__.putXRef = function() {
var p = "0000000000";
out("0 " + (objectNumber + 1));
out("0000000000 65535 f");
for (var i = 1; i <= objectNumber; i++) {
var offset = offsets[i];
if (typeof offset === "function") {
out((p + offsets[i]()).slice(-10) + " 00000 n");
} else {
if (typeof offsets[i] !== "undefined") {
out((p + offsets[i]).slice(-10) + " 00000 n");
} else {
out("0000000000 00000 n");
var buildDocument = (API.__private__.buildDocument = function() {
var offsetOfXRef = contentLength;
out("" + offsetOfXRef);
return content.join("\n");
var getBlob = (API.__private__.getBlob = function(data) {
return new Blob([getArrayBuffer(data)], {
type: "application/pdf"
* Generates the PDF document.
* If `type` argument is undefined, output is raw body of resulting PDF returned as a string.
* @param {string} type A string identifying one of the possible output types. Possible values are 'arraybuffer', 'blob', 'bloburi'/'bloburl', 'datauristring'/'dataurlstring', 'datauri'/'dataurl', 'dataurlnewwindow', 'pdfobjectnewwindow', 'pdfjsnewwindow'.
* @param {Object} options An object providing some additional signalling to PDF generator. Possible options are 'filename'.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name output
var output = (API.output = API.__private__.output = SAFE(function output(
) {
options = options || {};
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = {
filename: options
} else {
options.filename = options.filename || "generated.pdf";
switch (type) {
case undefined:
return buildDocument();
case "save":
case "arraybuffer":
return getArrayBuffer(buildDocument());
case "blob":
return getBlob(buildDocument());
case "bloburi":
case "bloburl":
// Developer is responsible of calling revokeObjectURL
if (
typeof global.URL !== "undefined" &&
typeof global.URL.createObjectURL === "function"
) {
return (
(global.URL &&
global.URL.createObjectURL(getBlob(buildDocument()))) ||
void 0
} else {
"bloburl is not supported by your system, because URL.createObjectURL is not supported by your browser."
case "datauristring":
case "dataurlstring":
var dataURI = "";
var pdfDocument = buildDocument();
try {
dataURI = btoa(pdfDocument);
} catch (e) {
dataURI = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(pdfDocument)));
return (
"data:application/pdf;filename=" +
options.filename +
";base64," +
case "pdfobjectnewwindow":
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(global) === "[object Window]") {
var pdfObjectUrl =
options.pdfObjectUrl ||
var htmlForNewWindow =
"<html>" +
'<style>html, body { padding: 0; margin: 0; } iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0;} </style><body><script src="' +
pdfObjectUrl +
'"></script><script >PDFObject.embed("' +
this.output("dataurlstring") +
'", ' +
JSON.stringify(options) +
var nW = global.open();
if (nW !== null) {
return nW;
} else {
throw new Error(
"The option pdfobjectnewwindow just works in a browser-environment."
case "pdfjsnewwindow":
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(global) === "[object Window]") {
var pdfJsUrl =
options.pdfJsUrl || "examples/PDF.js/web/viewer.html";
var htmlForPDFjsNewWindow =
"<html>" +
"<style>html, body { padding: 0; margin: 0; } iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0;} </style>" +
'<body><iframe id="pdfViewer" src="' +
pdfJsUrl +
'?file=" width="500px" height="400px" />' +
var PDFjsNewWindow = global.open();
if (PDFjsNewWindow !== null) {
var scope = this;
).onload = function() {
return PDFjsNewWindow;
} else {
throw new Error(
"The option pdfjsnewwindow just works in a browser-environment."
case "dataurlnewwindow":
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(global) === "[object Window]") {
var htmlForDataURLNewWindow =
"<html>" +
"<style>html, body { padding: 0; margin: 0; } iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0;} </style>" +
"<body>" +
'<iframe src="' +
this.output("datauristring", options) +
'"></iframe>' +
var dataURLNewWindow = global.open();
if (dataURLNewWindow !== null) {
if (dataURLNewWindow || typeof safari === "undefined")
return dataURLNewWindow;
} else {
throw new Error(
"The option dataurlnewwindow just works in a browser-environment."
case "datauri":
case "dataurl":
return (global.document.location.href = this.output(
return null;
* Used to see if a supplied hotfix was requested when the pdf instance was created.
* @param {string} hotfixName - The name of the hotfix to check.
* @returns {boolean}
var hasHotfix = function(hotfixName) {
return (
Array.isArray(hotfixes) === true && hotfixes.indexOf(hotfixName) > -1
switch (unit) {
case "pt":
scaleFactor = 1;
case "mm":
scaleFactor = 72 / 25.4;
case "cm":
scaleFactor = 72 / 2.54;
case "in":
scaleFactor = 72;
case "px":
if (hasHotfix("px_scaling") == true) {
scaleFactor = 72 / 96;
} else {
scaleFactor = 96 / 72;
case "pc":
scaleFactor = 12;
case "em":
scaleFactor = 12;
case "ex":
scaleFactor = 6;
throw new Error("Invalid unit: " + unit);
// Public API
var getPageInfo = (API.__private__.getPageInfo = API.getPageInfo = function(
) {
if (isNaN(pageNumberOneBased) || pageNumberOneBased % 1 !== 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.getPageInfo");
var objId = pagesContext[pageNumberOneBased].objId;
return {
objId: objId,
pageNumber: pageNumberOneBased,
pageContext: pagesContext[pageNumberOneBased]
var getPageInfoByObjId = (API.__private__.getPageInfoByObjId = function(
) {
if (isNaN(objId) || objId % 1 !== 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.getPageInfoByObjId");
for (var pageNumber in pagesContext) {
if (pagesContext[pageNumber].objId === objId) {
return getPageInfo(pageNumber);
var getCurrentPageInfo = (API.__private__.getCurrentPageInfo = API.getCurrentPageInfo = function() {
return {
objId: pagesContext[currentPage].objId,
pageNumber: currentPage,
pageContext: pagesContext[currentPage]
* Adds (and transfers the focus to) new page to the PDF document.
* @param format {String/Array} The format of the new page. Can be: <ul><li>a0 - a10</li><li>b0 - b10</li><li>c0 - c10</li><li>dl</li><li>letter</li><li>government-letter</li><li>legal</li><li>junior-legal</li><li>ledger</li><li>tabloid</li><li>credit-card</li></ul><br />
* Default is "a4". If you want to use your own format just pass instead of one of the above predefined formats the size as an number-array, e.g. [595.28, 841.89]
* @param orientation {string} Orientation of the new page. Possible values are "portrait" or "landscape" (or shortcuts "p" (Default), "l").
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name addPage
API.addPage = function() {
_addPage.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
* Adds (and transfers the focus to) new page to the PDF document.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setPage
* @param {number} page Switch the active page to the page number specified.
* @example
* doc = jsPDF()
* doc.addPage()
* doc.addPage()
* doc.text('I am on page 3', 10, 10)
* doc.setPage(1)
* doc.text('I am on page 1', 10, 10)
API.setPage = function() {
_setPage.apply(this, arguments);
setOutputDestination.call(this, pages[currentPage]);
return this;
* @name insertPage
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @function
* @instance
* @param {Object} beforePage
* @returns {jsPDF}
API.insertPage = function(beforePage) {
this.movePage(currentPage, beforePage);
return this;
* @name movePage
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @function
* @instance
* @param {number} targetPage
* @param {number} beforePage
* @returns {jsPDF}
API.movePage = function(targetPage, beforePage) {
var tmpPages, tmpPagesContext;
if (targetPage > beforePage) {
tmpPages = pages[targetPage];
tmpPagesContext = pagesContext[targetPage];
for (var i = targetPage; i > beforePage; i--) {
pages[i] = pages[i - 1];
pagesContext[i] = pagesContext[i - 1];
pages[beforePage] = tmpPages;
pagesContext[beforePage] = tmpPagesContext;
} else if (targetPage < beforePage) {
tmpPages = pages[targetPage];
tmpPagesContext = pagesContext[targetPage];
for (var j = targetPage; j < beforePage; j++) {
pages[j] = pages[j + 1];
pagesContext[j] = pagesContext[j + 1];
pages[beforePage] = tmpPages;
pagesContext[beforePage] = tmpPagesContext;
return this;
* Deletes a page from the PDF.
* @name deletePage
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @function
* @param {number} targetPage
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
API.deletePage = function() {
_deletePage.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
* Adds text to page. Supports adding multiline text when 'text' argument is an Array of Strings.
* @function
* @instance
* @param {String|Array} text String or array of strings to be added to the page. Each line is shifted one line down per font, spacing settings declared before this call.
* @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page.
* @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page.
* @param {Object} [options] - Collection of settings signaling how the text must be encoded.
* @param {string} [options.align=left] - The alignment of the text, possible values: left, center, right, justify.
* @param {string} [options.baseline=alphabetic] - Sets text baseline used when drawing the text, possible values: alphabetic, ideographic, bottom, top, middle, hanging
* @param {string} [options.angle=0] - Rotate the text clockwise or counterclockwise. Expects the angle in degree.
* @param {string} [options.rotationDirection=1] - Direction of the rotation. 0 = clockwise, 1 = counterclockwise.
* @param {string} [options.charSpace=0] - The space between each letter.
* @param {string} [options.lineHeightFactor=1.15] - The lineheight of each line.
* @param {string} [options.flags] - Flags for to8bitStream.
* @param {string} [options.flags.noBOM=true] - Don't add BOM to Unicode-text.
* @param {string} [options.flags.autoencode=true] - Autoencode the Text.
* @param {string} [options.maxWidth=0] - Split the text by given width, 0 = no split.
* @param {string} [options.renderingMode=fill] - Set how the text should be rendered, possible values: fill, stroke, fillThenStroke, invisible, fillAndAddForClipping, strokeAndAddPathForClipping, fillThenStrokeAndAddToPathForClipping, addToPathForClipping.
* @param {boolean} [options.isInputVisual] - Option for the BidiEngine
* @param {boolean} [options.isOutputVisual] - Option for the BidiEngine
* @param {boolean} [options.isInputRtl] - Option for the BidiEngine
* @param {boolean} [options.isOutputRtl] - Option for the BidiEngine
* @param {boolean} [options.isSymmetricSwapping] - Option for the BidiEngine
* @param {number|Matrix} transform If transform is a number the text will be rotated by this value around the anchor set by x and y.
* If it is a Matrix, this matrix gets directly applied to the text, which allows shearing
* effects etc.; the x and y offsets are then applied AFTER the coordinate system has been established by this
* matrix. This means passing a rotation matrix that is equivalent to some rotation angle will in general yield a
* DIFFERENT result. A matrix is only allowed in "advanced" API mode.
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name text
API.__private__.text = API.text = function(text, x, y, options, transform) {
* Inserts something like this into PDF
* BT
* /F1 16 Tf % Font name + size
* 16 TL % How many units down for next line in multiline text
* 0 g % color
* 28.35 813.54 Td % position
* (line one) Tj
* T* (line two) Tj
* T* (line three) Tj
* ET
options = options || {};
var scope = options.scope || this;
var payload, da, angle, align, charSpace, maxWidth, flags;
// Pre-August-2012 the order of arguments was function(x, y, text, flags)
// in effort to make all calls have similar signature like
// function(data, coordinates... , miscellaneous)
// this method had its args flipped.
// code below allows backward compatibility with old arg order.
if (
typeof text === "number" &&
typeof x === "number" &&
(typeof y === "string" || Array.isArray(y))
) {
var tmp = y;
y = x;
x = text;
text = tmp;
var transformationMatrix;
if (arguments[3] instanceof Matrix === false) {
flags = arguments[3];
angle = arguments[4];
align = arguments[5];
if (typeof flags !== "object" || flags === null) {
if (typeof angle === "string") {
align = angle;
angle = null;
if (typeof flags === "string") {
align = flags;
flags = null;
if (typeof flags === "number") {
angle = flags;
flags = null;
options = {
flags: flags,
angle: angle,
align: align
} else {
"The transform parameter of text() with a Matrix value"
transformationMatrix = transform;
if (
isNaN(x) ||
isNaN(y) ||
typeof text === "undefined" ||
text === null
) {
throw new Error("Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.text");
if (text.length === 0) {
return scope;
var xtra = "";
var isHex = false;
var lineHeight =
typeof options.lineHeightFactor === "number"
? options.lineHeightFactor
: lineHeightFactor;
var scaleFactor = scope.internal.scaleFactor;
function ESC(s) {
s = s.split("\t").join(Array(options.TabLen || 9).join(" "));
return pdfEscape(s, flags);
function transformTextToSpecialArray(text) {
//we don't want to destroy original text array, so cloning it
var sa = text.concat();
var da = [];
var len = sa.length;
var curDa;
//we do array.join('text that must not be PDFescaped")
//thus, pdfEscape each component separately
while (len--) {
curDa = sa.shift();
if (typeof curDa === "string") {
} else {
if (
Array.isArray(text) &&
(curDa.length === 1 ||
(curDa[1] === undefined && curDa[2] === undefined))
) {
} else {
da.push([curDa[0], curDa[1], curDa[2]]);
return da;
function processTextByFunction(text, processingFunction) {
var result;
if (typeof text === "string") {
result = processingFunction(text)[0];
} else if (Array.isArray(text)) {
//we don't want to destroy original text array, so cloning it
var sa = text.concat();
var da = [];
var len = sa.length;
var curDa;
var tmpResult;
//we do array.join('text that must not be PDFescaped")
//thus, pdfEscape each component separately
while (len--) {
curDa = sa.shift();
if (typeof curDa === "string") {
} else if (Array.isArray(curDa) && typeof curDa[0] === "string") {
tmpResult = processingFunction(curDa[0], curDa[1], curDa[2]);
da.push([tmpResult[0], tmpResult[1], tmpResult[2]]);
result = da;
return result;
//Check if text is of type String
var textIsOfTypeString = false;
var tmpTextIsOfTypeString = true;
if (typeof text === "string") {
textIsOfTypeString = true;
} else if (Array.isArray(text)) {
//we don't want to destroy original text array, so cloning it
var sa = text.concat();
da = [];
var len = sa.length;
var curDa;
//we do array.join('text that must not be PDFescaped")
//thus, pdfEscape each component separately
while (len--) {
curDa = sa.shift();
if (
typeof curDa !== "string" ||
(Array.isArray(curDa) && typeof curDa[0] !== "string")
) {
tmpTextIsOfTypeString = false;
textIsOfTypeString = tmpTextIsOfTypeString;
if (textIsOfTypeString === false) {
throw new Error(
'Type of text must be string or Array. "' +
text +
'" is not recognized.'
//If there are any newlines in text, we assume
//the user wanted to print multiple lines, so break the
//text up into an array. If the text is already an array,
//we assume the user knows what they are doing.
//Convert text into an array anyway to simplify
//later code.
if (typeof text === "string") {
if (text.match(/[\r?\n]/)) {
text = text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g);
} else {
text = [text];
var height = activeFontSize / scope.internal.scaleFactor;
var descent = height * (lineHeightFactor - 1);
switch (options.baseline) {
case "bottom":
y -= descent;
case "top":
y += height - descent;
case "hanging":
y += height - 2 * descent;
case "middle":
y += height / 2 - descent;
case "ideographic":
case "alphabetic":
// do nothing, everything is fine
maxWidth = options.maxWidth || 0;
if (maxWidth > 0) {
if (typeof text === "string") {
text = scope.splitTextToSize(text, maxWidth);
} else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text) === "[object Array]") {
text = scope.splitTextToSize(text.join(" "), maxWidth);
//creating Payload-Object to make text byRef
payload = {
text: text,
x: x,
y: y,
options: options,
mutex: {
pdfEscape: pdfEscape,
activeFontKey: activeFontKey,
fonts: fonts,
activeFontSize: activeFontSize
events.publish("preProcessText", payload);
text = payload.text;
options = payload.options;
angle = options.angle;
if (
transformationMatrix instanceof Matrix === false &&
angle &&
typeof angle === "number"
) {
angle *= Math.PI / 180;
if (options.rotationDirection === 0) {
angle = -angle;
if (apiMode === ApiMode.ADVANCED) {
angle = -angle;
var c = Math.cos(angle);
var s = Math.sin(angle);
transformationMatrix = new Matrix(c, s, -s, c, 0, 0);
} else if (angle && angle instanceof Matrix) {
transformationMatrix = angle;
if (apiMode === ApiMode.ADVANCED && !transformationMatrix) {
transformationMatrix = identityMatrix;
charSpace = options.charSpace || activeCharSpace;
if (typeof charSpace !== "undefined") {
xtra += hpf(scale(charSpace)) + " Tc\n";
this.setCharSpace(this.getCharSpace() || 0);
var lang = options.lang;
if (lang) {
// xtra += "/Lang (" + lang +")\n";
var renderingMode = -1;
var parmRenderingMode =
typeof options.renderingMode !== "undefined"
? options.renderingMode
: options.stroke;
var pageContext = scope.internal.getCurrentPageInfo().pageContext;
switch (parmRenderingMode) {
case 0:
case false:
case "fill":
renderingMode = 0;
case 1:
case true:
case "stroke":
renderingMode = 1;
case 2:
case "fillThenStroke":
renderingMode = 2;
case 3:
case "invisible":
renderingMode = 3;
case 4:
case "fillAndAddForClipping":
renderingMode = 4;
case 5:
case "strokeAndAddPathForClipping":
renderingMode = 5;
case 6:
case "fillThenStrokeAndAddToPathForClipping":
renderingMode = 6;
case 7:
case "addToPathForClipping":
renderingMode = 7;
var usedRenderingMode =
typeof pageContext.usedRenderingMode !== "undefined"
? pageContext.usedRenderingMode
: -1;
//if the coder wrote it explicitly to use a specific
//renderingMode, then use it
if (renderingMode !== -1) {
xtra += renderingMode + " Tr\n";
//otherwise check if we used the rendering Mode already
//if so then set the rendering Mode...
} else if (usedRenderingMode !== -1) {
xtra += "0 Tr\n";
if (renderingMode !== -1) {
pageContext.usedRenderingMode = renderingMode;
align = options.align || "left";
var leading = activeFontSize * lineHeight;
var pageWidth = scope.internal.pageSize.getWidth();
var activeFont = fonts[activeFontKey];
charSpace = options.charSpace || activeCharSpace;
maxWidth = options.maxWidth || 0;
var lineWidths;
flags = {};
var wordSpacingPerLine = [];
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text) === "[object Array]") {
da = transformTextToSpecialArray(text);
var newY;
if (align !== "left") {
lineWidths = da.map(function(v) {
return (
(scope.getStringUnitWidth(v, {
font: activeFont,
charSpace: charSpace,
fontSize: activeFontSize,
doKerning: false
}) *
activeFontSize) /
//The first line uses the "main" Td setting,
//and the subsequent lines are offset by the
//previous line's x coordinate.
var prevWidth = 0;
var newX;
if (align === "right") {
//The passed in x coordinate defines the
//rightmost point of the text.
x -= lineWidths[0];
text = [];
len = da.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
newX = getHorizontalCoordinate(x);
newY = getVerticalCoordinate(y);
} else {
newX = scale(prevWidth - lineWidths[i]);
newY = -leading;
text.push([da[i], newX, newY]);
prevWidth = lineWidths[i];
} else if (align === "center") {
//The passed in x coordinate defines
//the center point.
x -= lineWidths[0] / 2;
text = [];
len = da.length;
for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
if (j === 0) {
newX = getHorizontalCoordinate(x);
newY = getVerticalCoordinate(y);
} else {
newX = scale((prevWidth - lineWidths[j]) / 2);
newY = -leading;
text.push([da[j], newX, newY]);
prevWidth = lineWidths[j];
} else if (align === "left") {
text = [];
len = da.length;
for (var h = 0; h < len; h++) {
} else if (align === "justify") {
text = [];
len = da.length;
maxWidth = maxWidth !== 0 ? maxWidth : pageWidth;
for (var l = 0; l < len; l++) {
newY = l === 0 ? getVerticalCoordinate(y) : -leading;
newX = l === 0 ? getHorizontalCoordinate(x) : 0;
if (l < len - 1) {
(maxWidth - lineWidths[l]) / (da[l].split(" ").length - 1)
text.push([da[l], newX, newY]);
} else {
throw new Error(
'Unrecognized alignment option, use "left", "center", "right" or "justify".'
var doReversing = typeof options.R2L === "boolean" ? options.R2L : R2L;
if (doReversing === true) {
text = processTextByFunction(text, function(text, posX, posY) {
return [
//creating Payload-Object to make text byRef
payload = {
text: text,
x: x,
y: y,
options: options,
mutex: {
pdfEscape: pdfEscape,
activeFontKey: activeFontKey,
fonts: fonts,
activeFontSize: activeFontSize
events.publish("postProcessText", payload);
text = payload.text;
isHex = payload.mutex.isHex || false;
var activeFontEncoding = fonts[activeFontKey].encoding;
if (
activeFontEncoding === "WinAnsiEncoding" ||
activeFontEncoding === "StandardEncoding"
) {
text = processTextByFunction(text, function(text, posX, posY) {
return [ESC(text), posX, posY];
da = transformTextToSpecialArray(text);
text = [];
var STRING = 0;
var ARRAY = 1;
var variant = Array.isArray(da[0]) ? ARRAY : STRING;
var posX;
var posY;
var content;
var wordSpacing = "";
var generatePosition = function(
) {
var position = "";
if (parmTransformationMatrix instanceof Matrix) {
// It is kind of more intuitive to apply a plain rotation around the text anchor set by x and y
// but when the user supplies an arbitrary transformation matrix, the x and y offsets should be applied
// in the coordinate system established by this matrix
if (typeof options.angle === "number") {
parmTransformationMatrix = matrixMult(
new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, parmPosX, parmPosY)
} else {
parmTransformationMatrix = matrixMult(
new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, parmPosX, parmPosY),
if (apiMode === ApiMode.ADVANCED) {
parmTransformationMatrix = matrixMult(
new Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0),
position = parmTransformationMatrix.join(" ") + " Tm\n";
} else {
position = hpf(parmPosX) + " " + hpf(parmPosY) + " Td\n";
return position;
for (var lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < da.length; lineIndex++) {
wordSpacing = "";
switch (variant) {
case ARRAY:
content =
(isHex ? "<" : "(") + da[lineIndex][0] + (isHex ? ">" : ")");
posX = parseFloat(da[lineIndex][1]);
posY = parseFloat(da[lineIndex][2]);
case STRING:
content = (isHex ? "<" : "(") + da[lineIndex] + (isHex ? ">" : ")");
posX = getHorizontalCoordinate(x);
posY = getVerticalCoordinate(y);
if (
typeof wordSpacingPerLine !== "undefined" &&
typeof wordSpacingPerLine[lineIndex] !== "undefined"
) {
wordSpacing = wordSpacingPerLine[lineIndex] + " Tw\n";
if (lineIndex === 0) {
wordSpacing +
generatePosition(posX, posY, transformationMatrix) +
} else if (variant === STRING) {
text.push(wordSpacing + content);
} else if (variant === ARRAY) {
wordSpacing +
generatePosition(posX, posY, transformationMatrix) +
text = variant === STRING ? text.join(" Tj\nT* ") : text.join(" Tj\n");
text += " Tj\n";
var result = "BT\n/";
result += activeFontKey + " " + activeFontSize + " Tf\n"; // font face, style, size
result += hpf(activeFontSize * lineHeight) + " TL\n"; // line spacing
result += textColor + "\n";
result += xtra;
result += text;
result += "ET";
usedFonts[activeFontKey] = true;
return scope;
* Letter spacing method to print text with gaps
* @function
* @instance
* @param {String|Array} text String to be added to the page.
* @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page
* @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page
* @param {number} spacing Spacing (in units declared at inception)
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name lstext
* @deprecated We'll be removing this function. It doesn't take character width into account.
API.__private__.lstext = API.lstext = function(text, x, y, charSpace) {
return this.text(text, x, y, {
charSpace: charSpace
// PDF supports these path painting and clip path operators:
// S - stroke
// s - close/stroke
// f (F) - fill non-zero
// f* - fill evenodd
// B - fill stroke nonzero
// B* - fill stroke evenodd
// b - close fill stroke nonzero
// b* - close fill stroke evenodd
// n - nothing (consume path)
// W - clip nonzero
// W* - clip evenodd
// In order to keep the API small, we omit the close-and-fill/stroke operators and provide a separate close()
// method.
* @name clip
* @function
* @instance
* @param {string} rule Only possible value is 'evenodd'
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @description All .clip() after calling drawing ops with a style argument of null.
var clip = (API.__private__.clip = API.clip = function(rule) {
// Call .clip() after calling drawing ops with a style argument of null
// W is the PDF clipping op
if ("evenodd" === rule) {
} else {
return this;
* @name clipEvenOdd
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @description Modify the current clip path by intersecting it with the current path using the even-odd rule. Note
* that this will NOT consume the current path. In order to only use this path for clipping call
* {@link API.discardPath} afterwards.
API.clipEvenOdd = function() {
return clip("evenodd");
* This fixes the previous function clip(). Perhaps the 'stroke path' hack was due to the missing 'n' instruction?
* We introduce the fixed version so as to not break API.
* @param fillRule
* @deprecated
* @ignore
API.__private__.clip_fixed = API.clip_fixed = function(rule) {
return API.clip(rule);
* Consumes the current path without any effect. Mainly used in combination with {@link clip} or
* {@link clipEvenOdd}. The PDF "n" operator.
* @name discardPath
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
API.__private__.discardPath = API.discardPath = function() {
return this;
var isValidStyle = (API.__private__.isValidStyle = function(style) {
var validStyleVariants = [
var result = false;
if (validStyleVariants.indexOf(style) !== -1) {
result = true;
return result;
API.__private__.setDefaultPathOperation = API.setDefaultPathOperation = function(
) {
if (isValidStyle(operator)) {
defaultPathOperation = operator;
return this;
var getStyle = (API.__private__.getStyle = API.getStyle = function(style) {
// see path-painting operators in PDF spec
var op = defaultPathOperation; // stroke
switch (style) {
case "D":
case "S":
op = "S"; // stroke
case "F":
op = "f"; // fill
case "FD":
case "DF":
op = "B";
case "f":
case "f*":
case "B":
case "B*":
Allow direct use of these PDF path-painting operators:
- f fill using nonzero winding number rule
- f* fill using even-odd rule
- B fill then stroke with fill using non-zero winding number rule
- B* fill then stroke with fill using even-odd rule
op = style;
return op;
* Close the current path. The PDF "h" operator.
* @name close
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
var close = (API.close = function() {
return this;
* Stroke the path. The PDF "S" operator.
* @name stroke
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
API.stroke = function() {
return this;
* Fill the current path using the nonzero winding number rule. If a pattern is provided, the path will be filled
* with this pattern, otherwise with the current fill color. Equivalent to the PDF "f" operator.
* @name fill
* @function
* @instance
* @param {PatternData=} pattern If provided the path will be filled with this pattern
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
API.fill = function(pattern) {
fillWithOptionalPattern("f", pattern);
return this;
* Fill the current path using the even-odd rule. The PDF f* operator.
* @see API.fill
* @name fillEvenOdd
* @function
* @instance
* @param {PatternData=} pattern If provided the path will be filled with this pattern
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
API.fillEvenOdd = function(pattern) {
fillWithOptionalPattern("f*", pattern);
return this;
* Fill using the nonzero winding number rule and then stroke the current Path. The PDF "B" operator.
* @see API.fill
* @name fillStroke
* @function
* @instance
* @param {PatternData=} pattern If provided the path will be stroked with this pattern
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
API.fillStroke = function(pattern) {
fillWithOptionalPattern("B", pattern);
return this;
* Fill using the even-odd rule and then stroke the current Path. The PDF "B" operator.
* @see API.fill
* @name fillStrokeEvenOdd
* @function
* @instance
* @param {PatternData=} pattern If provided the path will be fill-stroked with this pattern
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
API.fillStrokeEvenOdd = function(pattern) {
fillWithOptionalPattern("B*", pattern);
return this;
var fillWithOptionalPattern = function(style, pattern) {
if (typeof pattern === "object") {
fillWithPattern(pattern, style);
} else {
var putStyle = function(style, patternKey, patternData) {
if (
style === null ||
(apiMode === ApiMode.ADVANCED && style === undefined)
) {
style = getStyle(style);
// stroking / filling / both the path
if (!patternKey) {
if (!patternData) {
patternData = { matrix: identityMatrix };
if (patternData instanceof Matrix) {
patternData = { matrix: patternData };
patternData.key = patternKey;
patternData || (patternData = identityMatrix);
fillWithPattern(patternData, style);
var fillWithPattern = function(patternData, style) {
var patternId = patternMap[patternData.key];
var pattern = patterns[patternId];
if (pattern instanceof API.ShadingPattern) {
if (pattern.gState) {
out(patternData.matrix.toString() + " cm");
out("/" + patternId + " sh");
} else if (pattern instanceof API.TilingPattern) {
// pdf draws patterns starting at the bottom left corner and they are not affected by the global transformation,
// so we must flip them
var matrix = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, getPageHeight());
if (patternData.matrix) {
matrix = matrix.multiply(patternData.matrix || identityMatrix);
// we cannot apply a matrix to the pattern on use so we must abuse the pattern matrix and create new instances
// for each use
patternId = pattern.createClone(
out("/Pattern cs");
out("/" + patternId + " scn");
if (pattern.gState) {
var clipRuleFromStyle = function(style) {
switch (style) {
case "f":
case "F":
return "W n";
case "f*":
return "W* n";
case "B":
return "W S";
case "B*":
return "W* S";
// these two are for compatibility reasons (in the past, calling any primitive method with a shading pattern
// and "n"/"S" as style would still fill/fill and stroke the path)
case "S":
return "W S";
case "n":
return "W n";
* Begin a new subpath by moving the current point to coordinates (x, y). The PDF "m" operator.
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @name moveTo
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @returns {jsPDF}
var moveTo = (API.moveTo = function(x, y) {
out(hpf(scale(x)) + " " + hpf(transformScaleY(y)) + " m");
return this;
* Append a straight line segment from the current point to the point (x, y). The PDF "l" operator.
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name lineTo
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @returns {jsPDF}
var lineTo = (API.lineTo = function(x, y) {
out(hpf(scale(x)) + " " + hpf(transformScaleY(y)) + " l");
return this;
* Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point
* (x3, y3), using (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as Bézier control points. The new current point shall be (x3, x3).
* @param {number} x1
* @param {number} y1
* @param {number} x2
* @param {number} y2
* @param {number} x3
* @param {number} y3
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name curveTo
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @returns {jsPDF}
var curveTo = (API.curveTo = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
].join(" ")
return this;
* Draw a line on the current page.
* @name line
* @function
* @instance
* @param {number} x1
* @param {number} y1
* @param {number} x2
* @param {number} y2
* @param {string} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. A null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. default: 'S'
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
API.__private__.line = API.line = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, style) {
if (
isNaN(x1) ||
isNaN(y1) ||
isNaN(x2) ||
isNaN(y2) ||
) {
throw new Error("Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.line");
if (apiMode === ApiMode.COMPAT) {
return this.lines([[x2 - x1, y2 - y1]], x1, y1, [1, 1], style || "S");
} else {
return this.lines([[x2 - x1, y2 - y1]], x1, y1, [1, 1]).stroke();
* @typedef {Object} PatternData
* {Matrix|undefined} matrix
* {Number|undefined} xStep
* {Number|undefined} yStep
* {Array.<Number>|undefined} boundingBox
* Adds series of curves (straight lines or cubic bezier curves) to canvas, starting at `x`, `y` coordinates.
* All data points in `lines` are relative to last line origin.
* `x`, `y` become x1,y1 for first line / curve in the set.
* For lines you only need to specify [x2, y2] - (ending point) vector against x1, y1 starting point.
* For bezier curves you need to specify [x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4] - vectors to control points 1, 2, ending point. All vectors are against the start of the curve - x1,y1.
* @example .lines([[2,2],[-2,2],[1,1,2,2,3,3],[2,1]], 212,110, [1,1], 'F', false) // line, line, bezier curve, line
* @param {Array} lines Array of *vector* shifts as pairs (lines) or sextets (cubic bezier curves).
* @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page
* @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page
* @param {number} scale (Defaults to [1.0,1.0]) x,y Scaling factor for all vectors. Elements can be any floating number Sub-one makes drawing smaller. Over-one grows the drawing. Negative flips the direction.
* @param {string=} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include:
* 'S' [default] - stroke,
* 'F' - fill,
* and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke.
* In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple
* method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument.
* In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated.
* @param {Boolean=} closed If true, the path is closed with a straight line from the end of the last curve to the starting point.
* @param {String=} patternKey The pattern key for the pattern that should be used to fill the path. Deprecated!
* @param {(Matrix|PatternData)=} patternData The matrix that transforms the pattern into user space, or an object that
* will modify the pattern on use. Deprecated!
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name lines
API.__private__.lines = API.lines = function(
) {
var scalex, scaley, i, l, leg, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, tmp;
// Pre-August-2012 the order of arguments was function(x, y, lines, scale, style)
// in effort to make all calls have similar signature like
// function(content, coordinateX, coordinateY , miscellaneous)
// this method had its args flipped.
// code below allows backward compatibility with old arg order.
if (typeof lines === "number") {
tmp = y;
y = x;
x = lines;
lines = tmp;
scale = scale || [1, 1];
closed = closed || false;
if (
isNaN(x) ||
isNaN(y) ||
!Array.isArray(lines) ||
!Array.isArray(scale) ||
!isValidStyle(style) ||
typeof closed !== "boolean"
) {
throw new Error("Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.lines");
// starting point
moveTo(x, y);
scalex = scale[0];
scaley = scale[1];
l = lines.length;
//, x2, y2 // bezier only. In page default measurement "units", *after* scaling
//, x3, y3 // bezier only. In page default measurement "units", *after* scaling
// ending point for all, lines and bezier. . In page default measurement "units", *after* scaling
x4 = x; // last / ending point = starting point for first item.
y4 = y; // last / ending point = starting point for first item.
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
leg = lines[i];
if (leg.length === 2) {
// simple line
x4 = leg[0] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 was prior ending point
y4 = leg[1] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 was prior ending point
lineTo(x4, y4);
} else {
// bezier curve
x2 = leg[0] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 is prior ending point
y2 = leg[1] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 is prior ending point
x3 = leg[2] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 is prior ending point
y3 = leg[3] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 is prior ending point
x4 = leg[4] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 was prior ending point
y4 = leg[5] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 was prior ending point
curveTo(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
if (closed) {
putStyle(style, patternKey, patternData);
return this;
* Similar to {@link API.lines} but all coordinates are interpreted as absolute coordinates instead of relative.
* @param {Array<Object>} lines An array of {op: operator, c: coordinates} object, where op is one of "m" (move to), "l" (line to)
* "c" (cubic bezier curve) and "h" (close (sub)path)). c is an array of coordinates. "m" and "l" expect two, "c"
* six and "h" an empty array (or undefined).
* @param {String=} style The style. Deprecated!
* @param {String=} patternKey The pattern key for the pattern that should be used to fill the path. Deprecated!
* @param {(Matrix|PatternData)=} patternData The matrix that transforms the pattern into user space, or an object that
* will modify the pattern on use. Deprecated!
* @function
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name path
API.path = function(lines, style, patternKey, patternData) {
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var leg = lines[i];
var coords = leg.c;
switch (leg.op) {
case "m":
moveTo(coords[0], coords[1]);
case "l":
lineTo(coords[0], coords[1]);
case "c":
curveTo.apply(this, coords);
case "h":
putStyle(style, patternKey, patternData);
return this;
* Adds a rectangle to PDF.
* @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page
* @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page
* @param {number} w Width (in units declared at inception of PDF document)
* @param {number} h Height (in units declared at inception of PDF document)
* @param {string=} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include:
* 'S' [default] - stroke,
* 'F' - fill,
* and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke.
* In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple
* method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument.
* In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated.
* @param {String=} patternKey The pattern key for the pattern that should be used to fill the primitive. Deprecated!
* @param {(Matrix|PatternData)=} patternData The matrix that transforms the pattern into user space, or an object that
* will modify the pattern on use. Deprecated!
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name rect
API.__private__.rect = API.rect = function(
) {
if (
isNaN(x) ||
isNaN(y) ||
isNaN(w) ||
isNaN(h) ||
) {
throw new Error("Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.rect");
if (apiMode === ApiMode.COMPAT) {
h = -h;
].join(" ")
putStyle(style, patternKey, patternData);
return this;
* Adds a triangle to PDF.
* @param {number} x1 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page
* @param {number} y1 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page
* @param {number} x2 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page
* @param {number} y2 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page
* @param {number} x3 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page
* @param {number} y3 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page
* @param {string=} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include:
* 'S' [default] - stroke,
* 'F' - fill,
* and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke.
* In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple
* method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument.
* In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated.
* @param {String=} patternKey The pattern key for the pattern that should be used to fill the primitive. Deprecated!
* @param {(Matrix|PatternData)=} patternData The matrix that transforms the pattern into user space, or an object that
* will modify the pattern on use. Deprecated!
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name triangle
API.__private__.triangle = API.triangle = function(
) {
if (
isNaN(x1) ||
isNaN(y1) ||
isNaN(x2) ||
isNaN(y2) ||
isNaN(x3) ||
isNaN(y3) ||
) {
throw new Error("Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.triangle");
[x2 - x1, y2 - y1], // vector to point 2
[x3 - x2, y3 - y2], // vector to point 3
[x1 - x3, y1 - y3] // closing vector back to point 1
y1, // start of path
[1, 1],
return this;
* Adds a rectangle with rounded corners to PDF.
* @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page
* @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page
* @param {number} w Width (in units declared at inception of PDF document)
* @param {number} h Height (in units declared at inception of PDF document)
* @param {number} rx Radius along x axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document)
* @param {number} ry Radius along y axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document)
* @param {string=} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include:
* 'S' [default] - stroke,
* 'F' - fill,
* and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke.
* In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple
* method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument.
* In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated.
* @param {String=} patternKey The pattern key for the pattern that should be used to fill the primitive. Deprecated!
* @param {(Matrix|PatternData)=} patternData The matrix that transforms the pattern into user space, or an object that
* will modify the pattern on use. Deprecated!
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name roundedRect
API.__private__.roundedRect = API.roundedRect = function(
) {
if (
isNaN(x) ||
isNaN(y) ||
isNaN(w) ||
isNaN(h) ||
isNaN(rx) ||
isNaN(ry) ||
) {
throw new Error("Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.roundedRect");
var MyArc = (4 / 3) * (Math.SQRT2 - 1);
rx = Math.min(rx, w * 0.5);
ry = Math.min(ry, h * 0.5);
[w - 2 * rx, 0],
[rx * MyArc, 0, rx, ry - ry * MyArc, rx, ry],
[0, h - 2 * ry],
[0, ry * MyArc, -(rx * MyArc), ry, -rx, ry],
[-w + 2 * rx, 0],
[-(rx * MyArc), 0, -rx, -(ry * MyArc), -rx, -ry],
[0, -h + 2 * ry],
[0, -(ry * MyArc), rx * MyArc, -ry, rx, -ry]
x + rx,
y, // start of path
[1, 1],
return this;
* Adds an ellipse to PDF.
* @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page
* @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page
* @param {number} rx Radius along x axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document)
* @param {number} ry Radius along y axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document)
* @param {string=} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include:
* 'S' [default] - stroke,
* 'F' - fill,
* and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke.
* In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple
* method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument.
* In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated.
* @param {String=} patternKey The pattern key for the pattern that should be used to fill the primitive. Deprecated!
* @param {(Matrix|PatternData)=} patternData The matrix that transforms the pattern into user space, or an object that
* will modify the pattern on use. Deprecated!
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name ellipse
API.__private__.ellipse = API.ellipse = function(
) {
if (
isNaN(x) ||
isNaN(y) ||
isNaN(rx) ||
isNaN(ry) ||
) {
throw new Error("Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.ellipse");
var lx = (4 / 3) * (Math.SQRT2 - 1) * rx,
ly = (4 / 3) * (Math.SQRT2 - 1) * ry;
moveTo(x + rx, y);
curveTo(x + rx, y - ly, x + lx, y - ry, x, y - ry);
curveTo(x - lx, y - ry, x - rx, y - ly, x - rx, y);
curveTo(x - rx, y + ly, x - lx, y + ry, x, y + ry);
curveTo(x + lx, y + ry, x + rx, y + ly, x + rx, y);
putStyle(style, patternKey, patternData);
return this;
* Adds an circle to PDF.
* @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page
* @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page
* @param {number} r Radius (in units declared at inception of PDF document)
* @param {string=} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include:
* 'S' [default] - stroke,
* 'F' - fill,
* and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke.
* In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple
* method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument.
* In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated.
* @param {String=} patternKey The pattern key for the pattern that should be used to fill the primitive. Deprecated!
* @param {(Matrix|PatternData)=} patternData The matrix that transforms the pattern into user space, or an object that
* will modify the pattern on use. Deprecated!
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name circle
API.__private__.circle = API.circle = function(
) {
if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(r) || !isValidStyle(style)) {
throw new Error("Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.circle");
return this.ellipse(x, y, r, r, style, patternKey, patternData);
* Sets text font face, variant for upcoming text elements.
* See output of jsPDF.getFontList() for possible font names, styles.
* @param {string} fontName Font name or family. Example: "times".
* @param {string} fontStyle Font style or variant. Example: "italic".
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setFont
API.setFont = function(fontName, fontStyle) {
activeFontKey = getFont(fontName, fontStyle, {
disableWarning: false
return this;
* Gets text font face, variant for upcoming text elements.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {Object}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name getFont
var getFontEntry = (API.__private__.getFont = API.getFont = function() {
return fonts[getFont.apply(API, arguments)];
* Switches font style or variant for upcoming text elements,
* while keeping the font face or family same.
* See output of jsPDF.getFontList() for possible font names, styles.
* @param {string} style Font style or variant. Example: "italic".
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @deprecated
* @name setFontStyle
API.setFontStyle = API.setFontType = function(style) {
activeFontKey = getFont(undefined, style);
// if font is not found, the above line blows up and we never go further
return this;
* Returns an object - a tree of fontName to fontStyle relationships available to
* active PDF document.
* @public
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {Object} Like {'times':['normal', 'italic', ... ], 'arial':['normal', 'bold', ... ], ... }
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name getFontList
API.__private__.getFontList = API.getFontList = function() {
var list = {},
for (fontName in fontmap) {
if (fontmap.hasOwnProperty(fontName)) {
list[fontName] = [];
for (fontStyle in fontmap[fontName]) {
if (fontmap[fontName].hasOwnProperty(fontStyle)) {
return list;
* Add a custom font to the current instance.
* @property {string} postScriptName PDF specification full name for the font.
* @property {string} id PDF-document-instance-specific label assinged to the font.
* @property {string} fontStyle Style of the Font.
* @property {Object} encoding Encoding_name-to-Font_metrics_object mapping.
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name addFont
* @returns {string} fontId
API.addFont = function(postScriptName, fontName, fontStyle, encoding) {
encoding = encoding || "Identity-H";
return addFont.call(this, postScriptName, fontName, fontStyle, encoding);
var lineWidth = options.lineWidth || 0.200025; // 2mm
* Sets line width for upcoming lines.
* @param {number} width Line width (in units declared at inception of PDF document).
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setLineWidth
var setLineWidth = (API.__private__.setLineWidth = API.setLineWidth = function(
) {
out(hpf(scale(width)) + " w");
return this;
* Sets the dash pattern for upcoming lines.
* To reset the settings simply call the method without any parameters.
* @param {Array<number>} dashArray An array containing 0-2 numbers. The first number sets the length of the
* dashes, the second number the length of the gaps. If the second number is missing, the gaps are considered
* to be as long as the dashes. An empty array means solid, unbroken lines.
* @param {number} dashPhase The phase lines start with.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setLineDashPattern
API.__private__.setLineDash = jsPDF.API.setLineDash = jsPDF.API.setLineDashPattern = function(
) {
dashArray = dashArray || [];
dashPhase = dashPhase || 0;
if (isNaN(dashPhase) || !Array.isArray(dashArray)) {
throw new Error("Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.setLineDash");
dashArray = dashArray
.map(function(x) {
return hpf(scale(x));
.join(" ");
dashPhase = hpf(scale(dashPhase));
out("[" + dashArray + "] " + dashPhase + " d");
return this;
var lineHeightFactor;
var getLineHeight = (API.__private__.getLineHeight = API.getLineHeight = function() {
return activeFontSize * lineHeightFactor;
API.__private__.getLineHeight = API.getLineHeight = function() {
return activeFontSize * lineHeightFactor;
* Sets the LineHeightFactor of proportion.
* @param {number} value LineHeightFactor value. Default: 1.15.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setLineHeightFactor
var setLineHeightFactor = (API.__private__.setLineHeightFactor = API.setLineHeightFactor = function(
) {
value = value || 1.15;
if (typeof value === "number") {
lineHeightFactor = value;
return this;
* Gets the LineHeightFactor, default: 1.15.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {number} lineHeightFactor
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name getLineHeightFactor
var getLineHeightFactor = (API.__private__.getLineHeightFactor = API.getLineHeightFactor = function() {
return lineHeightFactor;
var getHorizontalCoordinate = (API.__private__.getHorizontalCoordinate = function(
) {
return scale(value);
var getVerticalCoordinate = (API.__private__.getVerticalCoordinate = function(
) {
if (apiMode === ApiMode.ADVANCED) {
return value;
} else {
var pageHeight =
pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.topRightY -
return pageHeight - scale(value);
var getHorizontalCoordinateString = (API.__private__.getHorizontalCoordinateString = API.getHorizontalCoordinateString = function(
) {
return hpf(getHorizontalCoordinate(value));
var getVerticalCoordinateString = (API.__private__.getVerticalCoordinateString = API.getVerticalCoordinateString = function(
) {
return hpf(getVerticalCoordinate(value));
var strokeColor = options.strokeColor || "0 G";
* Gets the stroke color for upcoming elements.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {string} colorAsHex
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name getDrawColor
API.__private__.getStrokeColor = API.getDrawColor = function() {
return decodeColorString(strokeColor);
* Sets the stroke color for upcoming elements.
* Depending on the number of arguments given, Gray, RGB, or CMYK
* color space is implied.
* When only ch1 is given, "Gray" color space is implied and it
* must be a value in the range from 0.00 (solid black) to to 1.00 (white)
* if values are communicated as String types, or in range from 0 (black)
* to 255 (white) if communicated as Number type.
* The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
* When only ch1,ch2,ch3 are given, "RGB" color space is implied and each
* value must be in the range from 0.00 (minimum intensity) to to 1.00
* (max intensity) if values are communicated as String types, or
* from 0 (min intensity) to to 255 (max intensity) if values are communicated
* as Number types.
* The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
* When ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 are given, "CMYK" color space is implied and each
* value must be a in the range from 0.00 (0% concentration) to to
* 1.00 (100% concentration)
* Because JavaScript treats fixed point numbers badly (rounds to
* floating point nearest to binary representation) it is highly advised to
* communicate the fractional numbers as String types, not JavaScript Number type.
* @param {Number|String} ch1 Color channel value or {string} ch1 color value in hexadecimal, example: '#FFFFFF'.
* @param {Number} ch2 Color channel value.
* @param {Number} ch3 Color channel value.
* @param {Number} ch4 Color channel value.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setDrawColor
API.__private__.setStrokeColor = API.setDrawColor = function(
) {
var options = {
ch1: ch1,
ch2: ch2,
ch3: ch3,
ch4: ch4,
pdfColorType: "draw",
precision: 2
strokeColor = encodeColorString(options);
return this;
var fillColor = options.fillColor || "0 g";
* Gets the fill color for upcoming elements.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {string} colorAsHex
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name getFillColor
API.__private__.getFillColor = API.getFillColor = function() {
return decodeColorString(fillColor);
* Sets the fill color for upcoming elements.
* Depending on the number of arguments given, Gray, RGB, or CMYK
* color space is implied.
* When only ch1 is given, "Gray" color space is implied and it
* must be a value in the range from 0.00 (solid black) to to 1.00 (white)
* if values are communicated as String types, or in range from 0 (black)
* to 255 (white) if communicated as Number type.
* The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
* When only ch1,ch2,ch3 are given, "RGB" color space is implied and each
* value must be in the range from 0.00 (minimum intensity) to to 1.00
* (max intensity) if values are communicated as String types, or
* from 0 (min intensity) to to 255 (max intensity) if values are communicated
* as Number types.
* The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
* When ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 are given, "CMYK" color space is implied and each
* value must be a in the range from 0.00 (0% concentration) to to
* 1.00 (100% concentration)
* Because JavaScript treats fixed point numbers badly (rounds to
* floating point nearest to binary representation) it is highly advised to
* communicate the fractional numbers as String types, not JavaScript Number type.
* @param {Number|String} ch1 Color channel value or {string} ch1 color value in hexadecimal, example: '#FFFFFF'.
* @param {Number} ch2 Color channel value.
* @param {Number} ch3 Color channel value.
* @param {Number} ch4 Color channel value.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setFillColor
API.__private__.setFillColor = API.setFillColor = function(
) {
var options = {
ch1: ch1,
ch2: ch2,
ch3: ch3,
ch4: ch4,
pdfColorType: "fill",
precision: 2
fillColor = encodeColorString(options);
return this;
var textColor = options.textColor || "0 g";
* Gets the text color for upcoming elements.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {string} colorAsHex
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name getTextColor
var getTextColor = (API.__private__.getTextColor = API.getTextColor = function() {
return decodeColorString(textColor);
* Sets the text color for upcoming elements.
* Depending on the number of arguments given, Gray, RGB, or CMYK
* color space is implied.
* When only ch1 is given, "Gray" color space is implied and it
* must be a value in the range from 0.00 (solid black) to to 1.00 (white)
* if values are communicated as String types, or in range from 0 (black)
* to 255 (white) if communicated as Number type.
* The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
* When only ch1,ch2,ch3 are given, "RGB" color space is implied and each
* value must be in the range from 0.00 (minimum intensity) to to 1.00
* (max intensity) if values are communicated as String types, or
* from 0 (min intensity) to to 255 (max intensity) if values are communicated
* as Number types.
* The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
* When ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 are given, "CMYK" color space is implied and each
* value must be a in the range from 0.00 (0% concentration) to to
* 1.00 (100% concentration)
* Because JavaScript treats fixed point numbers badly (rounds to
* floating point nearest to binary representation) it is highly advised to
* communicate the fractional numbers as String types, not JavaScript Number type.
* @param {Number|String} ch1 Color channel value or {string} ch1 color value in hexadecimal, example: '#FFFFFF'.
* @param {Number} ch2 Color channel value.
* @param {Number} ch3 Color channel value.
* @param {Number} ch4 Color channel value.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setTextColor
API.__private__.setTextColor = API.setTextColor = function(
) {
var options = {
ch1: ch1,
ch2: ch2,
ch3: ch3,
ch4: ch4,
pdfColorType: "text",
precision: 3
textColor = encodeColorString(options);
return this;
var activeCharSpace = options.charSpace;
* Get global value of CharSpace.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {number} charSpace
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name getCharSpace
var getCharSpace = (API.__private__.getCharSpace = API.getCharSpace = function() {
return parseFloat(activeCharSpace || 0);
* Set global value of CharSpace.
* @param {number} charSpace
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF} jsPDF-instance
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setCharSpace
API.__private__.setCharSpace = API.setCharSpace = function(charSpace) {
if (isNaN(charSpace)) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.setCharSpace");
activeCharSpace = charSpace;
return this;
var lineCapID = 0;
* Is an Object providing a mapping from human-readable to
* integer flag values designating the varieties of line cap
* and join styles.
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name CapJoinStyles
API.CapJoinStyles = {
0: 0,
butt: 0,
but: 0,
miter: 0,
1: 1,
round: 1,
rounded: 1,
circle: 1,
2: 2,
projecting: 2,
project: 2,
square: 2,
bevel: 2
* Sets the line cap styles.
* See {jsPDF.CapJoinStyles} for variants.
* @param {String|Number} style A string or number identifying the type of line cap.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setLineCap
API.__private__.setLineCap = API.setLineCap = function(style) {
var id = API.CapJoinStyles[style];
if (id === undefined) {
throw new Error(
"Line cap style of '" +
style +
"' is not recognized. See or extend .CapJoinStyles property for valid styles"
lineCapID = id;
out(id + " J");
return this;
var lineJoinID = 0;
* Sets the line join styles.
* See {jsPDF.CapJoinStyles} for variants.
* @param {String|Number} style A string or number identifying the type of line join.
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setLineJoin
API.__private__.setLineJoin = API.setLineJoin = function(style) {
var id = API.CapJoinStyles[style];
if (id === undefined) {
throw new Error(
"Line join style of '" +
style +
"' is not recognized. See or extend .CapJoinStyles property for valid styles"
lineJoinID = id;
out(id + " j");
return this;
var miterLimit;
* Sets the miterLimit property, which effects the maximum miter length.
* @param {number} length The length of the miter
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setLineMiterLimit
API.__private__.setLineMiterLimit = API.__private__.setMiterLimit = API.setLineMiterLimit = API.setMiterLimit = function(
) {
length = length || 0;
if (isNaN(length)) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.setLineMiterLimit");
out(hpf(scale(length)) + " M");
return this;
* An object representing a pdf graphics state.
* @class GState
* @param parameters A parameter object that contains all properties this graphics state wants to set.
* Supported are: opacity, stroke-opacity
* @constructor
API.GState = function(parameters) {
* @name GState#opacity
* @type {any}
* @name GState#stroke-opacity
* @type {any}
var supported = "opacity,stroke-opacity".split(",");
for (var p in parameters) {
if (parameters.hasOwnProperty(p) && supported.indexOf(p) >= 0) {
this[p] = parameters[p];
* @name GState#id
* @type {string}
this.id = ""; // set by addGState()
* @name GState#objectNumber
* @type {number}
this.objectNumber = -1; // will be set by putGState()
API.GState.prototype.equals = function equals(other) {
var ignore = "id,objectNumber,equals";
var p;
if (!other || typeof other !== typeof this) return false;
var count = 0;
for (p in this) {
if (ignore.indexOf(p) >= 0) continue;
if (this.hasOwnProperty(p) && !other.hasOwnProperty(p)) return false;
if (this[p] !== other[p]) return false;
for (p in other) {
if (other.hasOwnProperty(p) && ignore.indexOf(p) < 0) count--;
return count === 0;
* Sets a either previously added {@link GState} (via {@link addGState}) or a new {@link GState}.
* @param {String|GState} gState If type is string, a previously added GState is used, if type is GState
* it will be added before use.
* @function
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setGState
API.setGState = function(gState) {
if (typeof gState === "string") {
gState = gStates[gStatesMap[gState]];
} else {
gState = addGState(null, gState);
if (!gState.equals(activeGState)) {
out("/" + gState.id + " gs");
activeGState = gState;
* Adds a new Graphics State. Duplicates are automatically eliminated.
* @param {String} key Might also be null, if no later reference to this gState is needed
* @param {Object} gState The gState object
var addGState = function(key, gState) {
// only add it if it is not already present (the keys provided by the user must be unique!)
if (key && gStatesMap[key]) return;
var duplicate = false;
for (var s in gStates) {
if (gStates.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
if (gStates[s].equals(gState)) {
duplicate = true;
if (duplicate) {
gState = gStates[s];
} else {
var gStateKey = "GS" + (Object.keys(gStates).length + 1).toString(10);
gStates[gStateKey] = gState;
gState.id = gStateKey;
// several user keys may point to the same GState object
key && (gStatesMap[key] = gState.id);
events.publish("addGState", gState);
return gState;
* Adds a new {@link GState} for later use. See {@link setGState}.
* @param {String} key
* @param {GState} gState
* @function
* @instance
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name addGState
API.addGState = function(key, gState) {
addGState(key, gState);
return this;
* Saves the current graphics state ("pushes it on the stack"). It can be restored by {@link restoreGraphicsState}
* later. Here, the general pdf graphics state is meant, also including the current transformation matrix,
* fill and stroke colors etc.
* @function
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name saveGraphicsState
API.saveGraphicsState = function() {
// as we cannot set font key and size independently we must keep track of both
key: activeFontKey,
size: activeFontSize,
color: textColor
return this;
* Restores a previously saved graphics state saved by {@link saveGraphicsState} ("pops the stack").
* @function
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name restoreGraphicsState
API.restoreGraphicsState = function() {
// restore previous font state
var fontState = fontStateStack.pop();
activeFontKey = fontState.key;
activeFontSize = fontState.size;
textColor = fontState.color;
activeGState = null;
return this;
* Appends this matrix to the left of all previously applied matrices.
* @param {Matrix} matrix
* @function
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name setCurrentTransformationMatrix
API.setCurrentTransformationMatrix = function(matrix) {
out(matrix.toString() + " cm");
return this;
* Inserts a debug comment into the generated pdf.
* @function
* @instance
* @param {String} text
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name comment
API.comment = function(text) {
out("#" + text);
return this;
* Point
var Point = function(x, y) {
var _x = x || 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, "x", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return _x;
set: function(value) {
if (!isNaN(value)) {
_x = parseFloat(value);
var _y = y || 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, "y", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return _y;
set: function(value) {
if (!isNaN(value)) {
_y = parseFloat(value);
var _type = "pt";
Object.defineProperty(this, "type", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return _type;
set: function(value) {
_type = value.toString();
return this;
* Rectangle
var Rectangle = function(x, y, w, h) {
Point.call(this, x, y);
this.type = "rect";
var _w = w || 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, "w", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return _w;
set: function(value) {
if (!isNaN(value)) {
_w = parseFloat(value);
var _h = h || 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, "h", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return _h;
set: function(value) {
if (!isNaN(value)) {
_h = parseFloat(value);
return this;
* FormObject/RenderTarget
var RenderTarget = function() {
this.page = page;
this.currentPage = currentPage;
this.pages = pages.slice(0);
this.pagesContext = pagesContext.slice(0);
this.x = pageX;
this.y = pageY;
this.matrix = pageMatrix;
this.width = getPageWidth(currentPage);
this.height = getPageHeight(currentPage);
this.outputDestination = outputDestination;
this.id = ""; // set by endFormObject()
this.objectNumber = -1; // will be set by putXObject()
RenderTarget.prototype.restore = function() {
page = this.page;
currentPage = this.currentPage;
pagesContext = this.pagesContext;
pages = this.pages;
pageX = this.x;
pageY = this.y;
pageMatrix = this.matrix;
setPageWidth(currentPage, this.width);
setPageHeight(currentPage, this.height);
outputDestination = this.outputDestination;
var beginNewRenderTarget = function(x, y, width, height, matrix) {
// save current state
renderTargetStack.push(new RenderTarget());
// clear pages
page = currentPage = 0;
pages = [];
pageX = x;
pageY = y;
pageMatrix = matrix;
beginPage([width, height]);
var endFormObject = function(key) {
// only add it if it is not already present (the keys provided by the user must be unique!)
if (renderTargetMap[key]) return;
// save the created xObject
var newXObject = new RenderTarget();
var xObjectId =
"Xo" + (Object.keys(renderTargets).length + 1).toString(10);
newXObject.id = xObjectId;
renderTargetMap[key] = xObjectId;
renderTargets[xObjectId] = newXObject;
events.publish("addFormObject", newXObject);
// restore state from stack
* Starts a new pdf form object, which means that all consequent draw calls target a new independent object
* until {@link endFormObject} is called. The created object can be referenced and drawn later using
* {@link doFormObject}. Nested form objects are possible.
* x, y, width, height set the bounding box that is used to clip the content.
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @param {Matrix} matrix The matrix that will be applied to convert the form objects coordinate system to
* the parent's.
* @function
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name beginFormObject
API.beginFormObject = function(x, y, width, height, matrix) {
// The user can set the output target to a new form object. Nested form objects are possible.
// Currently, they use the resource dictionary of the surrounding stream. This should be changed, as
// the PDF-Spec states:
// "In PDF 1.2 and later versions, form XObjects may be independent of the content streams in which
// they appear, and this is strongly recommended although not requiredIn PDF 1.2 and later versions,
// form XObjects may be independent of the content streams in which they appear, and this is strongly
// recommended although not required"
beginNewRenderTarget(x, y, width, height, matrix);
return this;
* Completes and saves the form object.
* @param {String} key The key by which this form object can be referenced.
* @function
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name endFormObject
API.endFormObject = function(key) {
return this;
* Draws the specified form object by referencing to the respective pdf XObject created with
* {@link API.beginFormObject} and {@link endFormObject}.
* The location is determined by matrix.
* @param {String} key The key to the form object.
* @param {Matrix} matrix The matrix applied before drawing the form object.
* @function
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name doFormObject
API.doFormObject = function(key, matrix) {
var xObject = renderTargets[renderTargetMap[key]];
out(matrix.toString() + " cm");
out("/" + xObject.id + " Do");
return this;
* Returns the form object specified by key.
* @param key {String}
* @returns {{x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, matrix: Matrix}}
* @function
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name getFormObject
API.getFormObject = function(key) {
var xObject = renderTargets[renderTargetMap[key]];
return {
x: xObject.x,
y: xObject.y,
width: xObject.width,
height: xObject.height,
matrix: xObject.matrix
* Saves as PDF document. An alias of jsPDF.output('save', 'filename.pdf').
* Uses FileSaver.js-method saveAs.
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name save
* @function
* @instance
* @param {string} filename The filename including extension.
* @param {Object} options An Object with additional options, possible options: 'returnPromise'.
* @returns {jsPDF} jsPDF-instance
API.save = function(filename, options) {
filename = filename || "generated.pdf";
options = options || {};
options.returnPromise = options.returnPromise || false;
if (options.returnPromise === false) {
saveAs(getBlob(buildDocument()), filename);
if (typeof saveAs.unload === "function") {
if (global.setTimeout) {
setTimeout(saveAs.unload, 911);
} else {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
try {
var result = saveAs(getBlob(buildDocument()), filename);
if (typeof saveAs.unload === "function") {
if (global.setTimeout) {
setTimeout(saveAs.unload, 911);
} catch (e) {
// applying plugins (more methods) ON TOP of built-in API.
// this is intentional as we allow plugins to override
// built-ins
for (var plugin in jsPDF.API) {
if (jsPDF.API.hasOwnProperty(plugin)) {
if (plugin === "events" && jsPDF.API.events.length) {
(function(events, newEvents) {
// jsPDF.API.events is a JS Array of Arrays
// where each Array is a pair of event name, handler
// Events were added by plugins to the jsPDF instantiator.
// These are always added to the new instance and some ran
// during instantiation.
var eventname, handler_and_args, i;
for (i = newEvents.length - 1; i !== -1; i--) {
// subscribe takes 3 args: 'topic', function, runonce_flag
// if undefined, runonce is false.
// users can attach callback directly,
// or they can attach an array with [callback, runonce_flag]
// that's what the "apply" magic is for below.
eventname = newEvents[i][0];
handler_and_args = newEvents[i][1];
typeof handler_and_args === "function"
? [handler_and_args]
: handler_and_args
})(events, jsPDF.API.events);
} else {
API[plugin] = jsPDF.API[plugin];
var getPageWidth = (API.getPageWidth = function(pageNumber) {
pageNumber = pageNumber || currentPage;
return (
(pagesContext[pageNumber].mediaBox.topRightX -
pagesContext[pageNumber].mediaBox.bottomLeftX) /
var setPageWidth = (API.setPageWidth = function(pageNumber, value) {
pagesContext[pageNumber].mediaBox.topRightX =
value * scaleFactor + pagesContext[pageNumber].mediaBox.bottomLeftX;
var getPageHeight = (API.getPageHeight = function(pageNumber) {
pageNumber = pageNumber || currentPage;
return (
(pagesContext[pageNumber].mediaBox.topRightY -
pagesContext[pageNumber].mediaBox.bottomLeftY) /
var setPageHeight = (API.setPageHeight = function(pageNumber, value) {
pagesContext[pageNumber].mediaBox.topRightY =
value * scaleFactor + pagesContext[pageNumber].mediaBox.bottomLeftY;
* Object exposing internal API to plugins
* @public
* @ignore
API.internal = {
pdfEscape: pdfEscape,
getStyle: getStyle,
getFont: getFontEntry,
getFontSize: getFontSize,
getCharSpace: getCharSpace,
getTextColor: getTextColor,
getLineHeight: getLineHeight,
getLineHeightFactor: getLineHeightFactor,
write: write,
getHorizontalCoordinate: getHorizontalCoordinate,
getVerticalCoordinate: getVerticalCoordinate,
getCoordinateString: getHorizontalCoordinateString,
getVerticalCoordinateString: getVerticalCoordinateString,
collections: {},
newObject: newObject,
newAdditionalObject: newAdditionalObject,
newObjectDeferred: newObjectDeferred,
newObjectDeferredBegin: newObjectDeferredBegin,
getFilters: getFilters,
putStream: putStream,
events: events,
scaleFactor: scaleFactor,
pageSize: {
getWidth: function() {
return getPageWidth(currentPage);
setWidth: function(value) {
setPageWidth(currentPage, value);
getHeight: function() {
return getPageHeight(currentPage);
setHeight: function(value) {
setPageHeight(currentPage, value);
output: output,
getNumberOfPages: getNumberOfPages,
pages: pages,
out: out,
f2: f2,
f3: f3,
getPageInfo: getPageInfo,
getPageInfoByObjId: getPageInfoByObjId,
getCurrentPageInfo: getCurrentPageInfo,
getPDFVersion: getPdfVersion,
Point: Point,
Rectangle: Rectangle,
Matrix: Matrix,
hasHotfix: hasHotfix //Expose the hasHotfix check so plugins can also check them.
Object.defineProperty(API.internal.pageSize, "width", {
get: function() {
return getPageWidth(currentPage);
set: function(value) {
setPageWidth(currentPage, value);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(API.internal.pageSize, "height", {
get: function() {
return getPageHeight(currentPage);
set: function(value) {
setPageHeight(currentPage, value);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
// continuing initialization of jsPDF Document object
// Add the first page automatically
activeFontKey = "F1";
_addPage(format, orientation);
return API;
* jsPDF.API is a STATIC property of jsPDF class.
* jsPDF.API is an object you can add methods and properties to.
* The methods / properties you add will show up in new jsPDF objects.
* One property is prepopulated. It is the 'events' Object. Plugin authors can add topics,
* callbacks to this object. These will be reassigned to all new instances of jsPDF.
* @static
* @public
* @memberof jsPDF#
* @name API
* @example
* jsPDF.API.mymethod = function(){
* // 'this' will be ref to internal API object. see jsPDF source
* // , so you can refer to built-in methods like so:
* // this.line(....)
* // this.text(....)
* }
* var pdfdoc = new jsPDF()
* pdfdoc.mymethod() // <- !!!!!!
jsPDF.API = {
events: []
* The version of jsPDF.
* @name version
* @type {string}
* @memberof jsPDF#
jsPDF.version = "0.0.0";
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(function() {
return jsPDF;
} else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
module.exports = jsPDF;
module.exports.jsPDF = jsPDF;
} else {
global.jsPDF = jsPDF;
return jsPDF;
(typeof self !== "undefined" && self) ||
(typeof window !== "undefined" && window) ||
(typeof global !== "undefined" && global) ||
Function('return typeof this === "object" && this.content')() ||
Function("return this")()
// `self` is undefined in Firefox for Android content script context
// while `this` is nsIContentFrameMessageManager
// with an attribute `content` that corresponds to the window